Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Friday, August 23, 2024

What A Difference...

So the 2 upper photos were taken a year apart showing the change that happened while he worked with a body coach to get to the optimum weight that he needed to be at for the sport that he was doing at the time. He was still doing Elite TaeKwonDo Sparring at that time and had to maintain a weight division that just wasn't realistic for his body type.  He struggled so much to stay in the division that would even give him a hill of beans chance at accomplishing what he wanted to in the sport and in the end it still wasn't enough.  It just wasn't worth it to continue.

The 2024 photo is a year after weightlifting training where he's been able to eat, grow & gain muscle mass. He's been so much healthier and happier in this sport.  In just a few months time he took Gold at the WSO Championship.  In 10 months time he came in 4th at USA Weightlifting Nationals.  There has been such a huge change in our son physically as you can see in the photos but there's also been a huge change in him mentally.  Mentally he's in such a great place.  He's the best we've ever seen him.  

What he wants to accomplish hasn't changed but the avenue to accomplish it has for certain changed.  We love where he is at this time in his life and we so enjoy supporting him in any way that we can.

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