Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024
Tim got 4th Place at USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024 with Athletic Lab Weightlifting Club.

Sunday, August 11, 2024



This quote leaves us much to consider.  Barabbas was a criminal who deserved to be punished.  Jesus was not a criminal and didn't deserve what they did to him but alas we would not have had a path to heaven without his sacrifice so there's that.  

We are in a period of time in American history where the crowds are screaming free Barabbas and Crucifying the principals our country was founded on and putting them on the alter to be burned and in it's place comes greed, lust and pure evil of every kind imaginable similar to that of Sodom and Gomorrah.  

I pray every day that blind eyes will receive their sight so that they can see the truth instead of believing the lies that are perpertrated on so many each and every day.  I pray for opportunity for the message of Jesus to be received.  For peoples lives to be turned to him so that this country can get back on track with God's plan and not our own.  After all God's plan is the best plan that any of us could follow because he's always got our best interest at heart as his sons and daughters.  

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