Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024
Tim got 4th Place at USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024 with Athletic Lab Weightlifting Club.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Recently Found These Family Pic...

#20 is my Uncle Eddie

Uncle Eddie, Little Eddie (Grinkle) and Tina

Uncle Eddie and Grinkle

Uncle Eddie

Great Uncle Lewis and my Memaw Clara

My mom Mary aka Mouse

My Nanny (my Memaw Clara's mom)

In more recent years the value of family has really resonated with me.  A lot of my older family members have passed on.  My mom is the only living of her immediate family members.  It's the older family members though that hold a family together and keep us all connected.  More and more the family members that are left are kind just keeping to their immediate family members and us cousins and our kids rarely see one another unless there's a death in the family.  I can only imagine how hard it must be for my mom to be the last but you wouldn't know it because she never shows it.  All my life she's been such a strong woman, mostly because she's had to be. Life has never been easy for her but she's done the best she knew how.  I don't know what the future holds but I do know who holds the future and that is a great bit of information to know.  I will continue to trust in the Lord as we continue to move forward in life making the most of the moments we have with those we love.  I'm so thankful for all the photos that we get to have to remember those who have passed on with.  The memories we make are treasured always.   

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