Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024
Tim got 4th Place at USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024 with Athletic Lab Weightlifting Club.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Make A Habit...


Everyday people come to our minds that we don't let know that we are thinking of them.  Often times we get so busy with living life that we just forget to stay in touch with them.  Days and even weeks go by with no words passed between them and us.  They can never know how much we truly care if we don't make an effort to keep them as a part of our lives.  It's important that those we love and care about know it and that we make a point of letting them know every opportunity that we get.   

As I'm getting older I see the importance in this more and more.  It's so sad that we don't see the importance in this when we are young only as we get older does it really matter.  It should matter when we are young too though.  

I fear this next generation coming up will not care at all of the importance of this.  I see everyday the horrific ways that our young people are acting all in the name of their causes.  Also all in the name of it's my right to act and be any way that I want.  It's sad really and it's heart breaking to see the state we are in today.  

Our only hope is God.  That God will bring us back to what is really important in life and it's our relationships.  Our families.  Our friends.  Our devotion to God.  It's really all that matters.

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