Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024
Tim got 4th Place at USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024 with Athletic Lab Weightlifting Club.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mending Fences...


Cattle farmers are always mending fences not because they want to but because it's necessary in order to keep their cattle on their lands.  Cattle bust through fences a lot but you can't expect them to mend what they've done.  It's laughable to think of them mending what they've broken.

Same is true of anyone in leadership positions as well.  If they have caused the problem you can't very well expect them to mend the problem because they don't see that they have done anything wrong in the first place.  

So this quote makes perfect since and one that we need to keep in mind when allowing folks to stay in positions of authority when we have the power to replace them and put someone into leadership that can mend things and make things better for us all.  Just a little food for thought.

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