Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Friday, August 30, 2024

Tim's Coach did this👇...

Tim's coach gave him this postcard at training last night.  It's the first coach he's ever had to do something like this for him.  He loves how encouraging the sport of weightlifting is.  He's needed an environment like this all along.  He's definitely motivated by encouragement.  This card made his day/week/month/year!!!  Tim loves this sport so much.  What a huge difference it's made in him in just a year's time.  He's completely changed and a much happier young man.  His dad and I love, love, love seeing him so happy.  

In hindsight his dad and I see how when he got any encouragement whatsoever that he soared in the sport he was doing.  Most times the encouragement came from coaches that weren't his personal coach.  They were coaches at a mixed training session.  We did try however to get his coaches to understand that he needed to be motivated differently but a leopard doesn't change their spots when it comes to how a coach does their coaching.  I'm just glad that Tim made the change he did when he did because it's made a world of difference in him both at home and at training. 

To everything in life there is a season.  What we thought would be a lifetime was only a season for our son in his last sport.  Where he is now is an amazing fit for him and we aren't calling it his lifetime sport because we just don't know what the future holds but he loves this sport way more than he loved the other sport he was doing.  That's huge in his world.  Right now we are enjoying this season that he's in with him.  He takes videos of some of his training and it's the first thing he shares with us when he comes out of the gym after his training session. Unlike his other sport there's not really a spot where we can watch him train.  He's so much more talkative about weightlifting and sharing with us all that he is learning too.  It's made our tight knit family even tighter and we love that.  We love supporting him in all that he does.  He's such a great young man who is looking/sounding like a full grown man daily.  So much changing going on with him.

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