Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Monday, August 19, 2024

People Come & Go...

Growing up I was told time and again that people will come and go in your life but the real ones will stay forever.  When I saw this meme on social media and I couldn't help but share it because I know how very true it is.  

From my youth to now I have had so many people come and go in my life.  Some when they went out of my life were harder than others because I was so close to them.  But, when it's time to move on whether in life or in death there's nothing that can be done to stop it from happening.  All we can do is let go ourselves and continue to move forward with our lives.  

Saying that last statement is easier said than actually done.  There have been times when I held on too long when I should've let go and moved on way earlier than did.  Sometimes even after they were already gone from my life I clung to the memories way longer than I should.  Hanging on more often than not can be to ones detriment.  It can keep you from a life that God has for you that is much better than the life that is behind you.  

The real people in your life that are meant to be there for a lifetime are the ones that God will orchestrate to always be there as well.  He will make ways that will keep them in your life.  I have a handful of those types of people in my life.  Along with God they are a constant in my life.  Ones I hold close to my heart.  Ones that I make an effort to remain close to as well and they to me.  

Real happiness happens from the people in your life that you are meant to walk out this life with.  Those that make a difference in your life and you in theirs.  Lives that are intertwined together forever.  They are happy when you are happy and sad when you are sad and vice versa.

Those that are only in our lives for a season are a bit of a harder pill to take.  Especially if they have been let in close as if they were going to be in your life forever.  There's no way to know who will be lifetime and who are seasonal though.  If there was a way to know then there would be things about life that would be altogether more simple, better and different.  That's for sure.  

Keep your lifetime people super close though.  Make sure they know how important they are to you.  Make a difference in their life.  And above all be happy with your life and a blessing to those of utter importance to you.  

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