Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
T’s Haircut…
Saturday, November 26, 2022
My Chiropractor Is Amazing!
Friday, November 25, 2022
Christmas Came Early for T…
T’s Taekwondo Pictures 10/2022
The Boys On Weight…
Newest Grand Nephew….
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving....
Thanksgiving is a time to think about all that you are thankful for in your life. I'm thankful for so many things in my life but first and foremost is that I know without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I don't ever doubt it because I know it! I'm so thankful for all that God has done in my life. Most recently I'm glad that he kept me protected from being more hurt than I was in the car accident that I had last Friday. I'm sore but I'm alive and I'm ever so thankful for that! I'm thankful for my husband and son who outside my relationship with God are my everything. My husband is my best friend and love of my life. Our son is such a blessing. I'm so thankful that God blessed us with him and gave us the privilege of raising him. He is such a smart and great guy who is growing up all too fast for me...LOL! My life has had many twists and turns and there have been so many times that I have fallen incredibly short in being the kind of Christian that I ought to be but I'm so very thankful that I serve a God that forgives when I come to him humbly asking Him for forgiveness. I don't know how people who are living without a relationship with God make it in this world we are living in. I'm so thankful that I have Jesus. That I can walk with Him and talk to Him anytime of day or night about anything and He hears me and cares about what concerns me. I'm also thankful for His gentle hand of correction when I need it to help me stay on the path and plan that He has for my life. Nothing in this world compares to having a close relationship with God. There's nothing or no one that can ever take His place in my life. Even though I love my husband and son and would move mountains for them because of my love for them they can't take precedent over my relationship with God. He has always got to come first. In our house it is our motto to walk with God and do His will! Next to God though you bet Scot and T are my priority. They are my world. I love them to the moon and beyond and I tell them that often. We are a close knit family and I pray that it will always be that way. It is something that we all strive for because we all know what we mean to one another. On this Thanksgiving Day, 11/24/2022, I pray everyone feels as thankful and blessed as I do in this moment. All too often we get caught up in so many other things that distract us from what's really important. It's not the things we accumulate but the relationships that we cultivate that really matter! Heart to heart. Hand to hand. Face to face. That's where it's at. That's what matters most. Cultivate relationships with those closest and most important to you this holiday season. You won't regret it nor feel it's a waste of time. This is why God ultimately created us, For Relationship! God Bless You All and enjoy cultivating the relationships in your life!
Update on Me:
T Loves 🥰 His New Shirt!
He can’t wait to see the new movie. He had to miss seeing it with his teammates because of his being sick.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
T Working Hard…
Won’t Be Long….
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Accident Yesterday…
Friday, November 18, 2022
T’s 1st Attempt…
Last Day of online DMV Classroom….
Thursday, November 17, 2022
T’s Doctor Visit Today…
Christmas Came Early for T….
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Just Because…
Monday, November 14, 2022
Drivers Ed Break….
Sunday, November 13, 2022
He's Growing Even More...
T is between my height and his dads height. It doesn't take much to get taller than me though...LOL! Here's a pic of T and his dad though for everyone to see how much more he has grown.
Drivers Ed Starts Tomorrow...
We are getting all set up for drivers ed tomorrow with T. We've been told this is an intense class so T's school calendar has been cleared for the week just for this class. I have to sit in on all these classes with him this week. It will be a long 5 days from 7:30am-2:30pm every day. Mostly because our boy is not used to getting up that early for anything...LOL!!
Friday, November 11, 2022
Happy 16th Anniversary Babe!
The background in the photo below is from Cindy's farm, Shady Wagon. She is the one who made our wedding cake. Earlier this summer I went to a celebration of life ceremony for Cindy. I was thinking in that moment that life is so short and I never want to take the time we have on this earth together for granted. I love you so much! Outside of God you and T are my entire world but especially you because God brought us together to do this life together. You aren't just my best friend but the love of my life. You are everything to me and I love you more with each passing day. Forgive me for the times when I may not show my love for you as often as I should. We are not guaranteed a tomorrow in this life and I want to cherish every moment of the time that we have on this earth together. The tides have shifted a lot in our life but we have rolled with each and every one of them. We keep moving forward whatever comes our way. A lot of changes have happened over the years but we have gotten to see all of those changes together supporting one another. You are an amazing husband and father and I pray every day for the Lord above to shower blessings on you that cannot be contained. I pray that where He leads you and I will follow no matter where that is. I pray for abundance of health and strength as we continue to walk out this life with one another and with God. Loving you is my most favorite thing to do. I love to watch you no matter what it is that you are doing. I love to talk with you and spend every second that I can with you. I pray for us everyday to be striving in life together in an overabundance of all that life has for us. But most of all I pray that our love for one another and for God grow deeper still. May we have many more years together! I love you to the moon and beyond Babe!
I made this second pic on an app called Canva. I really enjoy using this app for our business and also our personal. It's been such a great tool to use.
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Everything's Coming Up Photography....In Spring of 2023
I figured that I take enough photos for family and friends for free that I needed to start my own business. Everyone is always saying how great my photos are so now I'm going to see if I can turn what I love into something I can earn money doing. I decided to call my business Upper Image Photography. I decided on the word Upper for several reasons. One because I'm always looking Up to God who is my everything. Two because my goal will be excellence and keeping things on the Up and Up with every client. Three because I'm always pushing myself onward and Upward in all that I do. So the term Upper just seemed to fit. I've started an Instagram and Facebook page for the company and I'm working on building a website. Getting going on social media is easy but doing a website and getting it just the way you want is a horse of a different color so to speak. We are literally in the process of figuring out the logistics of it all. I'm looking forward to how God will guide us as I move forward in this venture with photography. Pray for me as we continue to seek God in all that we do and the steps that we take moving forward with this photography venture. Here is a Logo pic that I've made along with a banner that I've made to use on social media and the website.
A Family Pic of Our Niece and Her Family...
William's been home a while now and he's doing so good. This kid is such a trooper. We are so thankful to God for all He has done for our great nephew. Watching God work throughout everything that William went through and seeing him come out on the other side of it all has been amazing. We serve such an amazing God. All Glory, Honor and Praise to Him! Here's the family pic of who you all have been praying for throughout everything.
Homeschool Win!
Monday, November 7, 2022
Love these Black & White Pics that I did....
Check these black & white pics I did. They look so good...