Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Monday, May 31, 2021
Fun Day to Ride!
T got to ride today for the first time in a while. Love when he can have some fun especially when he trains so much all the time. 

School Year Video 2020-2021
I made a video from photos and videos I took throughout the school year for your enjoyment. Have fun watching.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
School is Done!
School work is done! Whew😥! Now Tues. - Thurs. T does his EOG’s and we are done for the school year!!! Gonna actually have a summer break this year!!!
#homeschoolingwin #thankful4onlinehomeschoolcurriculum 
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Memorial Day Made Special By This
We got to talking about Memorial Day and talking about Arlington Cemetery and Scot told T and I he had a 2nd cousin buried up there. We found out all his information. We are going to make plans to go visit it after we get through all the tournaments T has going on for the summer. #thankfulforhissacrifice

Friday, May 28, 2021
School, Training, and My Leg and Foot
T has been plugging away at school. Next week he takes his EOG’s and we are done for the year. He will be doing some handwriting curriculum this summer. His handwriting and his cursive writing needs big improvements so when he’s not training or competing that will be something extra he works on this summer. It’s the one drawback to all online classes. There’s no actual handwritten assignments. 
T is training like crazy when he’s not doing school. He’s working hard to get his weight down another weight division from where he’s been fighting. Huge opportunities sometimes require huge sacrifices. This boy is going hard after his goals. We are hoping and praying he is able to meet his goals and do well as he competes this summer. He loves this sport but he knows he needs to make some serious advances as he competes this summer. This could be a banner summer for him and possibly get him noticed by the Olympic Coaches, or at a minimum, get him on the US Olympic Coaches radar which would be a really great thing. If he medals at AAU Nationals he will advance to team trails and if he wins at team trials he makes the AAU National Team and that’s another really awesome thing that could happen for him. A lot hinges on him being able to reach his weight division goals and also his training goals (skills goals). He’s working harder than ever before and at the end of the day he can know that he put everything he had into reaching his goals and whether he actually reaches them or not we will be proud of him for having given it all he had.
T is training like crazy when he’s not doing school. He’s working hard to get his weight down another weight division from where he’s been fighting. Huge opportunities sometimes require huge sacrifices. This boy is going hard after his goals. We are hoping and praying he is able to meet his goals and do well as he competes this summer. He loves this sport but he knows he needs to make some serious advances as he competes this summer. This could be a banner summer for him and possibly get him noticed by the Olympic Coaches, or at a minimum, get him on the US Olympic Coaches radar which would be a really great thing. If he medals at AAU Nationals he will advance to team trails and if he wins at team trials he makes the AAU National Team and that’s another really awesome thing that could happen for him. A lot hinges on him being able to reach his weight division goals and also his training goals (skills goals). He’s working harder than ever before and at the end of the day he can know that he put everything he had into reaching his goals and whether he actually reaches them or not we will be proud of him for having given it all he had.
Later this morning we head down to Waxhaw, NC just outside of Charlotte for him to train with his team and coach for the weekend. He will also get to spend some time with his body coach, Master Calvin. The time he gets with him is so precious and helps him so very much in moving forward in this sport.
My leg and foot are continuing to heal. I’m still dealing with some pain and swelling. I’m able to move around better but when I’m on it a lot I pay for it later. Last weekend I was on it a ton taking photos and all week I’ve been dealing with pain and swelling as a result. I’ve just gotta keep it all in check and not do too much too soon. I’m just glad I can get around better. I wear the med boot out in public but at home I just use an ace wrap. I try to keep it out of the boot as much as possible so I can move and exercise it more in order to aid in helping it along as it heals.
It’ll be just T and I going to Waxhaw this weekend. It will be the first time since I hurt my foot and leg that I’ve drove that length of a drive on my own. I’ll be stopping more often in order to give myself a bit of a rest because I’m still recovering. That’ll be how the drive back home will go too. So thankful that T is such a huge help.
That’s all I have for now. Have a great weekend!
Monday, May 24, 2021
Picture Night
Tonight was picture night so guess what we will have 5 weeks from now😁🥰🤩. Can’t wait to get the poses we chose in. 
T’s New Glasses and Dental Update
T loves his new glasses! He decided to go with transitions this time and is so glad he did.
I had to call and talk to T’s dentist today. He’s had some pain where his 12 year old molars are coming in and I saw this:
This is what is causing him pain on both sides of his mouth. It’s normal and will fix itself as his molars get all the way grown in. I also found out that he is in fact going to need braces just as he told us after his last appointment. I found out the baseball figure for these bad boys will be around $5,000. Ouch! He figures a year from now we’ll need to look into getting them put on but it will have to be a little over a year so we can do it in the fall when he hardly has any tournaments and can get used to them plus having to wear a braces mouth guard.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
In House Tournament with Team Grant
Yesterday we had our last in house tournament before Grand Prix and Nationals. It was a great day for the teams to get some time in fighting with different bodies than they normally train with at their home Dojang. Here are the pics I was able to get of T. 

Friday, May 21, 2021
Another Update on My Leg and Foot
First long trip for an in house tournament since the injury this weekend. T is looking forward to being with the sparring team. It’s been almost a month since it all happened and I’m leaps and bounds better than where I was. I had a few rough nights with charliehorses in the calf muscle of the injured leg. So glad to be on the other side of that. I’ve been walking around the house without the crutches or the Med boot the past few days even though I’ve had an ace wrap on my foot. I still wear the Med boot when I go out in public as a precaution. We don’t want any setbacks at this point in the healing journey. Laser therapy has cut my healing time on the injuries in half. The Achilles’ tendon, some muscle pulls, and a deep bone bruise on my shin are what I’m still dealing with at this point. I have to be very careful how I move with my injured leg and foot so to not cause any reinjury or muscle strain on that leg. Other than that I’m doing tons better and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. #pushingthrough #makingforwardprogress #notlettingthiskeepmedown
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
T’s Dental Appointment on the 12th
I forgot to post about T’s dental appointment on the 12th. Everything looks good. No cavities. But….he’s going to need braces as soon as his 12 year old molars come in completely (they are already coming in) and his permanent teeth all grow in from where he lost his baby teeth recently. He no longer has any baby teeth to lose. I figure at his next 6 month check up we’ll be having the talk about braces. Not looking forward to that talk or paying for it. Going to have to start putting some money away for this expense.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Update on my leg and foot
I’m improving and the laser therapy on my leg and foot has been modified to aid in the healing process even more. Woohoo🙌🏼!!! I’m walking around more on my own without the aid of a crutch unless I leave the house. When out in public I use the Med boot and crutch so that I can be extra careful not to do anything to take any steps backwards in the healing process. I love the improvement I’m making. I’m praising God for all the progress I’ve made in almost a months time.
Friday, May 14, 2021
T’s Boom Mic for Gaming
T went and bought a boom mic stand and pop filter for his boom mic today. Just another addition to the gaming setup he has in his kid cave. He bought it with some of his birthday money. 
Thursday, May 13, 2021
The very last Baby Tooth
T just lost his very last baby tooth. When they get loose he just messes with them until he can yank them out. Craziness 🤪. 

Fuel Situation
Because of the fuel situation we have decided to forego the GA Rumble this weekend. So T stays home and trains as much as he can and focuses on getting some more end of year school work knocked out.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Update On My Leg
So today I had a chiropractor appointment. He adjusted me right after the injury happened. He put me on a laser treatment protocol that has advanced my healing a ton. I was able to walk today without a knee brace but still using the crutches. The crutches are there to just stabilize me now but I’m walking much better. I still have a lot of deep tissue that’s still very touchy. What’s still hurting me is all connected to my Achilles’ tendon. It’s deep tissue injury I’m dealing with at this point so it will take a bit longer for it to heal. He gave me some exercises to start doing to start strengthening those areas. I’m still on the laser protocol as well. I’m so glad to be so much better now than where I was. I’ve been on it a lot today so it’s somewhat sore tonight. Rest and recovery and time is helping a great deal. So thankful for a husband and son who have taken such great care of more through all this😁. 
No more knee brace. This was taken Sunday when the boys were putting the trampoline together and I watched😁. Tucker has stayed quite close to me since this happened. You can’t see the boot in this pic cause Tucker is laying in front of it…LOL!
No more knee brace. This was taken Sunday when the boys were putting the trampoline together and I watched😁. Tucker has stayed quite close to me since this happened. You can’t see the boot in this pic cause Tucker is laying in front of it…LOL!
Class at Black Belt World Tonight
T got to actually wear his belt to class tonight at BBW. Having a full black belt has him even acting older. Starting in June he will be in the Adult teen class. He’s looking forward to that and not being with the little kids anymore. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021
T in his full Black Belt
T wearing his full black belt for the first time. He’s loving being out of the poom belt (the black belt for young children). It’s been a right of passage moment for him today.
Happy 13th Birthday T🥳🎈🎊🎂🎉
Today T is officially a teenager. Happy 13th Birthday 🥳🎂🎊🎈🎉!!! His dad and I love him so much and are so proud of him!!! #turning13 #officiallyateenager #teeninthehouse

He wanted a better gaming mouse so we got him a red dragon gaming mouse. It’s supposed to be one of the best on the market.
He is now a full black belt. No more poom belt for him.
He wanted a new curved monitor for gaming.
He wanted a better gaming mouse so we got him a red dragon gaming mouse. It’s supposed to be one of the best on the market.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Mother’s Day 5/9/2021
Mother’s Day is always extra special for me because the year T was born was actually on Mother’s Day. Since Tuesday is his birthday (he’ll be an official teenager) and today Mother’s Day we’ll split the difference and celebrate both as a family tomorrow. But today I got to chill and watch my guys work as a team and put a new trampoline together. His old one ripped last summer but T got great use out of it. We’ve had the trampoline sitting in the garage for a while and just finally had the chance to get it put together today. 

They work really well together.

I was holding the boxes so the crazy wind 💨 wouldn’t blow them away today…LOL!

Couldn’t end the day without getting a picture with my boy😁.
They work really well together.
I was holding the boxes so the crazy wind 💨 wouldn’t blow them away today…LOL!
Couldn’t end the day without getting a picture with my boy😁.
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