Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Scot's Family Arrived Today

It's 12:30am as I am writing this. Scot's family arrived earlier today. Timmy had just woke up when they arrived so I grabbed the camera and met them as they were coming up to the back deck with Timmy. Here are some pictures of Scot's family with Timmy:

Here's Nan with her grandson. She is so excited to see him.
Here's Nan, Popsie, and Elaine with Timmy.
Here's another picture of Nan with Timmy. Timmy is just taking everything in stride.

Here's Elaine holding Timmy while Nan is watching. Timmy is smiling so big here while chewing on his fingers.

Here's Timmy with Popsie and Nan.

Here's cousin Joshton with Timmy.

1 comment:

D Martinez said...

It was soooo nice to see Scots family at Church last night! We chatted with them after service. I asked where you were and Scot said you were feeding Timmy. I hope he told you I said hello....I asked him to! Me :-)