Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024
Tim got 4th Place at USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024 with Athletic Lab Weightlifting Club.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Surround Yourself...

We tell Tim this saying a lot.  We share it with him every time that we see it on social media too.  The people that we surround our lives with are important to our growth as a person.  You surround yourself with winners and you will be a winner.  You surround yourself with those that love God and you will grow in your walk with God.  You surround yourself with people that push you in a forward direction then you will continue to move forward and up the ladder to success.  They will help you raise your game whether it be in sports or work or life.  Don't just run with people to be running with a pack but make sure that you are attaching yourself to those who are going somewhere in life and are making a difference.  Make sure that you aren't a problem on society but that you are helping be part of the solution to making society a better place for everyone.  One wrong choice in life can crush your life.  Keeping your eyes on the prize always!  Making choices that lead to advancement!  That's what really matters!  Leave a legacy for your loved ones!  Make them proud!!!

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