Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024
Tim got 4th Place at USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024 with Athletic Lab Weightlifting Club.

Friday, May 3, 2024



100% True!!!  Through the years I have seen this first hand more times than I care to even admit I have but I have.  Having people in your life who are only loyal to their need of you and when they don't need you they drop you sucks.  Our own son had to experience this last year.  We all did as a family with people that were supposed to be our friends but as soon as things shifted in our lives they dropped us because their need of us was no longer there.  

There are tons of folks today that are fickle.  Nothing even close to the sort of folks we grew up with back in the day that always had your back and didn't just use you and drop you just because you shifted in what you were going to be doing with your life.  As long as folks today have need of you they are your best friend but as soon as that need is gone so is the friendship.  We didn't have to be going the same direction in life for our friends to stay our friends when we were growing up.  I still have friendships with folks I grew up with.  We all were taught what being a real friend is all about and we took that seriously not flippantly.  

More folks today could use a good dose of old school teaching on how to be real friends with folks.  Having real relationships in your life are more important than fickle fly by night ones.  No matter the ups and downs of life be on the look out for those that are true and real and not fake to your face and use or abuse you.  Sometimes they are like a wolf in sheeps clothing and are hard to spot but if you watch carefully you'll be able to see the wolf behind the sheep mask they wear.  Plus pay close attention to what others may say or what their body language may say and you'll be able to tell.  Walk carefully as you navigate those would be friends and look to God to show you who they really are.  

Yes we got hurt but had we been looking at things with our God eyes we would have been able to see the ugly people they really were and that they were only out for themselves and didn't care who else got hurt along the way.  I'm sure they are still using people and those folks are none the wiser because they believe the lies that are being told to them.  They are buying into it and being used like we were and they too will get hurt in the end and there's nothing we can do to stop it.  Folks won't have ears to hear if they already believe lies as truth.  It's just how it is.  We just have to not be that person and walk on and move forward despite it all.  

We also have to be on our guard because the devil moves around like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour and he uses would be friends to do his dirty work so be VERY CAREFUL who you consider your friend(s)!!!  You'd be surprised how many folks really aren't your friends and are just using you and when they are done using you they will toss you aside like a bag of trash.  If it can happen to us it can happen to anyone.  BE ON YOUR GUARD!!!    

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