Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024
Tim got 4th Place at USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024 with Athletic Lab Weightlifting Club.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Happy Birthday Tim...

Tim you are turning the Big 16 today.  It's a milestone birthday.  I know you don't think it's a big deal but back in our day it was a huge deal because we were able to get our full drivers license.  

We know this past year has had lots of ups and downs for you but you have come out on top despite all that happened.  We could've never foreseen at this time last year that just two months later you'd be walking away from TaeKwonDo Sparring and then a few months after that away from Taekwondo altogether switching over to Olympic Weightlifting.  

You switched over to USA Weightlifting just a month after giving up sparring.  It was an unfortunate situation that forced you to make changes and you are so much better for having done it.  I can't remember a time that you were truly happy (other than when you first started TKD sparring) until now.  You are the happiest that you have ever been and your dad and I love it.  Even though you loved TKD you weren't as passionate about doing it as you are Weightlifting.  You study it, what seems to be like nonstop.  I have to keep getting your attention refocused on school because you are always watching weightlifting videos to learn more about doing the techniques better.  You never did that with TKD.  TKD made you ready for what you are doing now and for that I know you will always be grateful.  

At 16 you have accomplished so much in your life.  You've been an elite athlete since you were 8 years old.  You've won more medals and trophies than I care to count in TKD sparring/forms and now you're starting a collection of medals in Weightlifting too.  I know you don't care about the medals though.  Your eyes are on the prize of being able to represent your country in the Olympics someday.  Short term you are working hard to be able to go to Worlds and bring home some bling (as the kids call it) from that event.  Worlds is a big deal next to the Olympics and your dad and I see you working hard to be able to represent at both and bring home some bling.  Your goal is to go to your first Worlds next year as a last year youth.  You would love to be a multi-time Worlds medalist/Champion by the time you are eligible for the Olympics and we love supporting your goals.

It would be poignant for those who treated you so bad at the end of your TKD journey to have to see you doing so well and still accomplishing your dreams of winning at Worlds/Olympics.  It would be the icing on the cake for you to show them all that you still got to where you were wanting to go even though it wasn't through the avenue that you first thought it would be.  We know you have no ill will against them at all but it would be so God to bring you out on top when others meant to harm you and keep him from accomplishing your dreams.  What others mean for evil God will turn around for your good and we know that you will give God all the glory and honor when it happens.  

For you to be turning 16 today feels surreal because it seems like yesterday that you were a baby in my arms.  We have made it our goal to cherish every moment with you and this blog serves as proof of that for sure.  You are such an amazing young man and so mature for your age.  When you were young we celebrated with parties inviting your little friends but in more recent years we've just celebrated together as a family.  This year we are taking you to Angus Barn to celebrate this milestone birthday.  This is a steak house that you have always wanted to go eat at.  I lucked out in getting a reservation on your birthday at such short notice.  It was the last spot available too.  Can't wait to share pictures with you all later of us at Angus Barn.  

Happy Birthday Tim and I pray that you have the happiest birthday ever!  We are so proud of you.  We love you to the moon and beyond!

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