Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Athletic Lab Weightlifting Team - Jan. 2024 - Charlotte Triple Crown

Athletic Lab Weightlifting Team -  Jan. 2024 - Charlotte Triple Crown
Tim did a 74kg Snatch and a 90kg Clean & Jerk at the 2024 Athletic Lab Spring Open Meet on 4.6.2024. He got Gold and made new Meet PR's too.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Back In The Day....


I find this so funny because we've had numerous conversations with our son about "Back In The Day".  I heard a minister I love to watch and listen to say recently that he longs for days past.  With the shape our world is in I believe we all long for days gone past.  Back then there was no cell phones, tablets or computers.  There was no cable tv.  Just a few local channels.  I think we were all better off when we weren't so connected to all that is going on around us and in the world as we are now.  I do long for those days when I mowed lawns in my neighborhood for the elderly to make money for whatever I had need of at the time.  Some of the money earned was for fun but most of the time doing odd jobs like that gave me spending money to buy "in style" clothes that my folks couldn't afford because all our clothes came from GoodWill back then.  Our son has never known life like his dad and I knew it and sadly when he grows up and has kids they won't know what a life like that is like either.  Our son only knows it because of the stories we have told him as he's been growing up.  Even though he's had it way better than Scot and I he has grown up to be quite a responsible young man for the most part.  We are going through some teen struggles currently but it's nothing serious.  Just some growing pains is all.  As we talk to him constantly about things over and over again it sinks in and he gets it.  Times past before all this technology will always be better days to me and my husband.  Back when we weren't as informed.  We for sure were much more happy back then.  There wasn't the stress of having all this knowledge at our fingertips.  Those suffering with anxiety is due to all this information/misinformation at our fingertips.  At least that's what I believe is the problem.  The suicide rate being so high is also from all this information/misinformation that is confusing folks, especially the kids, and causing them so much anguish that they just can't see straight enough to want to live.  Technology has its good points but it has had a lot of majorly bad points.  It's taken bullying to a whole new level with social media.  It's brought about these young people not knowing what gender they are or what they "identify" as to a whole new level.  I mean look down below and you will know what sex you are.  It's just that simple.  But our society has confused our young people so much that they don't know whether to scratch their watch or wind their butt.  Sorry, most young folks don't know about that saying because they've never had to wind a watch...LOL!!  But seriously, things back in the day may have been simpler but it was also much happier times too.  I know there is no way for anyone reading this to really know the reality of times past and the happier times with having much less than we do today unless you lived it yourself too.  Longing for times past has been a reality for us because of all that is going on in our world today.  It wasn't all roses back then.  Hard times were really hard times but we sat at the table every night and had dinner as a family.  Families spent real time together and weren't running a million different directions as they are today.  I know because I'm living that reality today with our son who is an elite athlete.  He's constantly training with hopes that he will be able to represent our country in the Olympics some day.  One thing we still do though is sit down and have our meals together.  It may not look like it did in the day with us sitting around the kitchen table but we are still eating together as a family and that matters!  Family time matters!  Not forgetting how good it was back in the day matters!  We may always long for those days because the world was a better place.  So much evil is going on today.  It has become like a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.  Our prayer is Oh Lord Make Your Presence Known to All!  Open hearts and minds Lord!  Help them see You and Your Heart for them!  

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