Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Athletic Lab Weightlifting Team - Jan. 2024 - Charlotte Triple Crown

Athletic Lab Weightlifting Team -  Jan. 2024 - Charlotte Triple Crown
Tim did a 74kg Snatch and a 90kg Clean & Jerk at the 2024 Athletic Lab Spring Open Meet on 4.6.2024. He got Gold and made new Meet PR's too.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


I recently saw this post but it was written on a whiteboard in bad handwriting.  I wanted to make it look better so I made this.  

This statement is so much more true today than it was when I was growing up.  We are living in a society full of entitled brats.  They feel that everything is owed to them and that they can do and act how they want to and there will be no accountability for it.  They won't get punished for it.  What's sad is these entitled brats are now adults teaching their kids to be the same kind of entitled brat that they are.  

When I was a child I remember my grandmother and grandfather saying things like, "what is this world coming to?" and "what is wrong with people to be acting this way?".  I grew up in the 70's and 80's.  My grandparents came up through the depression.  Today everything is so much better with the advancements in technology but is it really better than my grandparents had it?  They lived in a time with no computers or cell phones or cable tv and sometimes no tv at all because tv's were what the rich had.  They didn't have to lock their doors.  People respected one another's properties.  Neighbors looked out for one another.  You didn't have to worry about something happening to your kids because everyone looked out for one another's kids.  It was pretty much still that way when I was growing up except I remember my folks locking the doors because more and more people were beginning to get robbed.  Nowadays there's no telling what would happen to your home if you didn't keep it locked and have an alarm system on it and still there's not a 100% chance that your home is safe from intruders.  It's just the day and time that we are living in.

Our son has grown up with accountability from his dad and I and at times his grandparents and Aunts and Uncles.  He has not been taught that everything is owed to him and nothing is his fault.  He's been taught that he has to work hard for what he gets out of this life.  That there is consequences for his actions.  We've taught him to not be a problem on society, like so many are today, but rather to contribute to making things better for not only him but for the generation coming up behind him.  If we don't teach them these values who will?  We certainly can't depend on our government system/schools to teach them these things.  It's not their job.  It's ours as parents to bring them up in the way they should go so that when they are old they won't depart from it.  That is our job delegated to us by God!  So many aren't doing their job and we need to pray that they get a back bone and start doing their job.  That they have a Damascus Road Experience and do what God has called us all to do as parents.  Give kids accountability.  Give them opportunities to do something with their lives and not be a problem on society.  Make sure we give them a sense of accomplishment as they grow so that they value accomplishing things in their adult lives.  Help them be their best for themselves, their families and the generation coming up behind them.  Help them shine bright everywhere they go.  Don't let them go down the road that so many others are on being a problem in this world.  

We are all here to SHINE BRIGHT FOR JESUS.  So let's SHINE and make the world a better place for JESUS!!! 

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