Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Friday, November 29, 2019
Annual Bowling with the Family
T has learned a new bowling style and is loving it. Btw, he’s chucking a 12 pound ball with that new bowling style.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Most of you who follow us and know us well know the literal hell we went through several years back when T had all those stomach issues from a strep throat infection that went two month’s undiagnosed because they couldn’t get a positive test result reading on him. Well we all got a stomach bug from my nieces birthday this past weekend and T’s stomach is still giving him issues. Scot and I are all lined out. I know this isn’t a continuation of the virus at this point. Please pray that his stomach lines out and gets back to normal quickly. We went though almost four years of after math because of that strep infection and it was awful. We all hated it. I really don’t want to see T have to go through that again because of a stomach virus someone saw fit to spread to us. To say I’m frustrated at this point is and understatement. I’m actually very angry 😡.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
T’s Room Update
Well we about got the bed together and found out that one of the boxes we should’ve gotten (included in price) was missing. So we will be making a day trip to Charlotte to go to IKEA and pick up the box/boxes with the slats that we are missing. While there T will be getting a fresh haircut by his Barbour LaMeek for his graduation to his 3rd Dan on the 7th. In the meantime we will be putting the rest of his room together that way all we will need to do is add the slats and the mattress and T’s room will be all done. Here’s a couple of pics of Scot and T putting the bed together. We love IKEA and could just kick ourselves that we missed getting one of the boxes. Of course while I’m there you know I will do more shopping...LOL! I so love IKEA. Who knows I may find some more things here that I need to get from there to help organize our home even more😊. I love any excuse to shop at IKEA. 

Friday, November 22, 2019
Mattress for T’s Room
T chose a pillow top mattress for his bed. We went to pick it up yesterday and they handed us this box:
Can you believe that there’s a full size pillow top mattress in that box. They shrink wrap them and put them in a box now. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. But there you have it folks. A mattress is a box...LOL! And to think they wanted to charge us $99 delivery change for it. So glad we chose to pick it up. We were thinking we’d have to tie it on the roof or squeeze it in the van. My how times have changed.
Can you believe that there’s a full size pillow top mattress in that box. They shrink wrap them and put them in a box now. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. But there you have it folks. A mattress is a box...LOL! And to think they wanted to charge us $99 delivery change for it. So glad we chose to pick it up. We were thinking we’d have to tie it on the roof or squeeze it in the van. My how times have changed.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Great Day of Training
T had his best day of training with his coach since his injury. There's been a lot of talks and a lot of work but he's bouncing back. I was glad to see him reach a peak today and it's our goal to keep on top of it from this point on. Working hard on moving forward.
Training with His Coach
Training has had its ups and downs since T has been back. Getting back into the grove of things has been more difficult than we thought it would be. Today was a hard workout for T. He’s not where he needs be yet but he will get there. He just has to stay focused on his goals and continue to train hard. It’s not easy but he knows it will be worth it in the long run. We head home tomorrow. We have a busy weekend ahead of us.
T’s Room
T’s room is coming together in our absence. Scot has been very busy and has almost got the room completely painted. We get to see it for ourselves when we get home tomorrow but for now these pictures will have to do. 

Sunday, November 17, 2019
Our House
After 3 days of cleaning with my mothers help the house is clean. It feels so much better to be in the house now. It was long overdue for a good deep clean. Glad we were able to be a blessing to her as well for spending so much of her time helping us.

And now the boys are priming the ceiling so paint can go on this week😁.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
3rd Dan Black Belt
T’s 3rd Dan Black Belt is in and hanging. So looking forward to graduation on December 7th. 
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Easing Back Into Training
Easing back into training has been going great. T had soreness for a couple of days because he hasn’t worked out like he’s used to doing for four weeks while having PT. So glad he’s on the mend and doing good. Now to get back into the grove of training and getting back to where he was before the injury happened. He knows it’s going to be a lot of hard work. He also knows from this week of being back and easing into training that it’s going to suck until he’s where he needs to be. He knows it will be short term as long as he puts in the hard work though.
Monday, November 11, 2019
T’s Bedroom Set
T chose this bedroom set. The bed is a full size and he got two of the dressers. We got it all from IKEA. We love that place. We went looking at mattresses before T and I had to leave for Charlotte and the mattress he wants cost more thaN the entire bedroom set😳. So now I’m hoping to take him back to IKEA this evening in hopes that I can talk him into a memory foam mattress😁. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019
Day 2 in Charlotte
T is easing back into training with his team and coach. He’s had a busy two days. Tonight he is feeling a little bit of muscle soreness. I told him that’s what happens when you have to take time off for an injury. Now he’s gotta get back to where he was before his injury. It’s all a process. He’ll get there. He has an early morning tomorrow and a busy day of training with his teammates so Happy Veteran’s Day early to all of our blog followers. So thankful for all of our Veterans. Have a blessed night and holiday!
Friday, November 8, 2019
T’s New Bedding
T’s new bedding to go with his new bedroom furniture. Can’t wait to get this bedroom together and ready for T to enjoy. He picked blue and grey for his walls. Scot’s from Kentucky and his entire family are huge UK fans. T has a torn house because momma is a UNC fan. Of course UNC blue does not look good on a wall...LOL! I can’t remember the last time I kept up with college sports though. Life is so busy. It’s perfectly fine that T likes UK. This set sure looks real nice! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
My Appointments
Blood tests from my physical yesterday came back all normal. Woohoo🙌!!! Eye exam today showed what I expected and that is that I need an updated prescription. It’s been a few years since I had a new prescription and I was noticing a change. Now to get used to the new prescription.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Work in Progress
Well, the window is out after a ton of prying and stuff. Scot said to me, with a smile on his face, if you ever ask me to seal a window again you may be having to get bail money...LOL! His expression and smile had me rolling on the floor laughing.

Backstory: I had him seal T’s bedroom window shut years ago when T was a toddler because we were getting overwrought with lady bugs in T’s bedroom.
Now that we are finally redoing his room and replacing said window it was a bear to get out.
I just smiled back at my awesome husband and said, “I love you Honey and appreciate all you do for us😁🥰.”
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Pics from earlier today
Scot had a commercial project this afternoon at a repeat client near the neighborhood I grew up in as a kid. The business is actually in the old Piggly Wiggly where my mom did most, if not all, of her shopping when I was a young child. Even though there’s a new store in it now I have tons of memories from when I was a child. What was cool was that the new store had a lot of old pictures and cans from the old Piggly Wiggly. I got some pictures of T and I. I was showing T around and telling him what shops were what when I was growing up. It was a fun afternoon looking around while Scot did the commercial project.
The old Piggly Wiggly:

A picture of T and I with the old Post Office in the background which is still a Post Office:
And a few more awesome pics of our boy😁:

This last one is my favorite picture of the day🥰.
and the old staff:

Picture of T and I in front of the old Piggly Wiggly which is now NoFo:
Picture of T and I in front of the old Piggly Wiggly which is now NoFo:
A picture of T and I with the old Post Office in the background which is still a Post Office:
And a few more awesome pics of our boy😁:
This last one is my favorite picture of the day🥰.
Another Update
After T’s appointments Wednesday doing PT and Laser therapy he was released to go back to training. He was told to ease back into it. We have routine appointments this week coming up but will back at it with his coach starting from the 9 to the 14th. I’m hoping we will also be able to do the 18th to the 21st as well but things keep coming up that may keep us from doing that one😕. He’s stretching a ton this week in prep to go back into training. Plus he’s been walking a bunch with me. My feet ache and knees ache but I know that I need to do this so I keep plunging along. I hate that I’ve gotten so out of shape. I love how in shape T is though. I hope he always does his best all of his life to stay in shape too. It’s what his dad and I greatly encourage him to do.
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