We celebrated Christmas with my family on New Year's Day because some of the family members had been sick and we couldn't do it at Christmas. We all had a great time. Here are some pictures for all of you to see:

"I got this from my Uncle Calvin and Aunt April. It makes lots of cool sounds and spins. Oh Boy!"

Tristan loves sitting on his Uncle Calvin's lap. Don't they look alike?!

"I'm so happy on the floor playing with the toy my Uncle Calvin and Aunt April got for me."

"Oh boy, a glow worm. Thanks Maw Maw!"

We got Maw Maw a musical mouse and a 3-n-1 printer for Christmas. She loved the mouse!

"Opening gifts is fun because I get to put the paper in my mouth."

"Oh boy numbers and letters for me to play with in the tub. Thanks Uncle Ernie and Amy!"

We got this gift for Tristan. It's Horton Hears A Who.

We also got this one for Tristan. It's some books.

This is Ernie with his girlfriend Amy.