T got spend today training too. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. No place he’d rather be that with his teammates. They had such great fun training today.
Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Christmas Eve Team CORE Training…
T got spend today training too. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. No place he’d rather be that with his teammates. They had such great fun training today.
Friday, December 30, 2022
T is Leaning Out…
He’s given me his tough l👀k…LOL!
Blast 💥 From The Past….
I’m the one in the long pants in the second picture.
A Man and His Dog (Tucker)...
Tucker is definitely a daddy's boy. He is always looking for him out the front door throughout the day. We don't have to guess when daddy is home because Tucker lets us know big time. He is such a great dog and so good natured. And he hates getting his picture taken so I have to sneak getting pictures of him...LOL!!
Fresh Out of the Shower and Showing Off...
Fresh out of the shower after training earlier this week and showing off his muscles...LOL! This boy is looking more like a man everyday. This moms heart still isn't ready for all the changes but it is coming fast like a locomotive barreling down the tracks.
Happy Birthday in Heaven Mr. Adam...
Happy Birthday in Heaven! You would be so proud of all that T is accomplishing in Taekwondo. He has grown so much. He cherishes every memory that he has of the times he got to spend with Blayden and you. So thankful for pictures like these that T has to remember you. RIP friend! #gonebutnotforgotten
New Family Picture Is Done✅
Thursday, December 29, 2022
T’s Dual Monitor Setup…
Car Getting Fixed…
Our New Wand…
The great thing about her first use was that it was on our church carpet. She’s beautiful and our church is decorated so beautiful too. This first pic is our church’s moto. The other pics are decorations.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Our Pastor's Last Teaching Series....
Our Pastor's last teaching series is an amazing. Pastor Mitch did this teaching between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's worth watching all of them. I will list them in order that they were preached.
- Exercise Your Jesus-Given Authority Over Satan (Part 1)
- Exercise Your Jesus-Given Authority Over Satan (Part 2)
- Exercise Your Jesus-Given Authority Over Satan (Part 3)
- Exercise Your Jesus-Given Authority Over Satan (Part 4)
- Exercise Your Jesus-Given Authority Over Satan (Part 5)
- Exercise Your Jesus-Given Authority Over Satan (Part 6)
Our Churches Christmas Sermon....
We go to Victory Church in Raleigh, NC. We love Pastor Mitch. He doesn't hold back and he is a real teacher of the Word of God. He doesn't sugar coat anything. God led us to this church after the church where Scot and I met and married started turning to seeker friendly preaching. There's nothing inherently wrong with preaching that way but in preaching that way no meat of the Word of God is being preached and we desired more meat of the Word of God. We were so thankful that God had us become a part of this church and I wanted to share last weeks sermon. Click on the link below to watch it:
If you live in the area and looking for a church to call home look no further than Victory Church!
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Facebook Games…
Then I was doing another one and got this result:
I’ll take them both☺️.
Hunting Discomfort…
What T Got With His Christmas $…
He wanted a dual monitor for his gaming pc and now he will have all that he needs for being able to game the way that he wants to with his friends.
December 23rd....
Forgot to post this earlier. On Friday December 23 we had lots of wind. A ton of it. We lost power early in the day and it came back on briefly then went out again and was out until 8:30 or so that night. I got a few pics of what we did while waiting for the power to come back on. Tucker stayed warm under his blanket while we played cards and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas.
The Year Ahead...
We have T's schedule more solidified for 2023. We are not going to be doing team trials even though he qualified to go to it. He would be fighting in a new age/weight division with 17 year olds and it's just not the year to do that particular event with the deck stacked against him like it will be. It's why we also decided, for now, not to go to US Open either. Those two trips alone would cost close to $10,000 (air fare, hotel, food and car rental). Even if we had the finances to do them I think it would be throwing money to the wind if we did them with him being in a new division. He needs to spend the year doing events closer to home, doing private training + team training, doing cross trainings with other schools near us, and doing any other training camps that come up with USA TaeKwonDo. The goal is to grow, get stronger, and learn as much as possible in this new age/weight division this year so that he can be an even better competitor next year as a second year Junior. And hopefully by the time he's a third year/last year Junior he will be at the top of his game competitively. His new coach is very understanding of things and doesn't pressure us like his last coach did to do all these crazy tournaments. We really appreciate that more than he knows. We really don't see a need to take him everywhere and doing everything when he has got to get acclimated to an entirely new division but that mindset could change. We ideally want his mind to continue to stay strong and move forward in this sport. We don't want to take a bunch of steps backwards this year by doing everything under the sun just to be doing them. Doing everything we can does bring experience though but at what price??? I don't want T to get worn down. Nor do I want him being down on himself should he not be winning like he did last year, which is highly possible when dealing with guys who are basically grown men with him still growing. T found out at the last USA training camp that the 17 year old guys are much stronger. My guy is a realist and he knows how crazy it is to just jump head long into his new division the first year in it. I applaud him for looking at things realistically. Even he knows that he needs more stability in his fight game and that he needs a lot more training to be the competitor that he needs to be for this new division. I'm proud of him for seeing things clearly and making decisions that are beneficial for him even though his teammates are not doing the same. He knows this is beneficial for him and we respect that and we are going with it for now unless we are given a reason to do the opposite. The absolute only thing that could change moving forward is that he decides to go ahead and do US Open after all but that remains to be seen but we have time because that event doesn't happen until March.
We are continuing to seek God on all this but this is the direction we are leaning unless God tells us otherwise and wanted to share it with you all. God opens door and closes them and we will continue to look to him where going or not going to US Open is concerned. It's the only tournament where we could actually change our minds and go but we will need to have clear direction from God on it.
Something I want to ask for prayer on as well, because we are seeking God on it, is that T wants to do AAU Nationals as well as USA Nationals. They are both going to be in Florida this year and only be a four hour drive apart. T's coach is only doing USA though. Pray with us for a coach that can coach T at AAU that will work with T and Doug to get him ready for it.
T's big goal for the year is to medal at either AAU or USA Nationals. He'd be elated to medal at both. But that is his big goal for the year. He knows if he medals at AAU that he gets a chance to fight for a place on AAU's National Team. He knows that making AAU National Team is a long shot given where he is at currently but he also knows that if he grows this year that is actually an attainable goal. I'm praying he has a big growing year this year and that he medals at both Nationals and gets a shot at AAU's National Team and that a coach is available to coach him for AAU Nationals. Please pray in agreement with us for this. Thank you!
Monday, December 26, 2022
T’s Year In Review 2022 Video…
Christmas 2022 Video
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Everyone! 2022 will soon come to end and I'm thinking about all the memories of this year. More good memories than bad ones. Life isn't always easy but as long as we keep a good attitude it can always be great no matter what comes our way. And although we don't know what the future holds we know who holds the future! That my family and friends is a handy piece of information to have. Only those who know Jesus can really relate to that statement.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost so that we don't live eternally in hell but that we can live eternally in heaven with Him. It was the whole reason for His birth. His story had an end here on earth "physically" before it even began just like each and every one of ours does. But His story didn't end just like ours won't either. We may not know how our story ends here on earth but we will live eternally in either one place of the other. It's totally our choice. And we may have memories of ourselves of our beginnings. We will always carry those memories with us and cherish them. But may we always keep in mind that "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season!" He's the reason to press forward each and every day of our lives. He gives meaning to everything! Without it life here is pointless.
On this Christmas Day my greatest hope and wish is that the lost are saved. That they find and have a real relationship with Jesus that will carry them through all of the rest of their lives. That they grow in the knowledge of God. That they teach it to their children and that their children teach it to theirs and so on and so forth. Growing God's Kingdom to make an impact on the world we live in makes all of life worth living. It brings blessings that cannot be contained. That's what the real meaning of Christmas means to this southern gal.
Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas Everyone!
T’s Christmas….
VR grips for his VR handles.
A gaming keyboard that does all that T needed a gaming keyboard to do.
An electronic cube game and a steam gift card so that he can buy pc games.