Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Friday, November 1, 2024

Your Truest Friends...


These words are so true.  I have just a few friends that fit the bill for being my truest friends.  I know that I can always count on them in the good and hard times.  They will always be there for me and I will always be there for them.  They are friends that I have chosen to do life with because their mindsets are the same as mine.  We all seek God 1st in all that we do in this life so I know that I count on them to pray for me and they can count on me to pray for them and be there when it really matters. 

Seeking out friends who fit this bill is not easy because you find some that you think fit the bill then the first hard time that comes along they will in fact bail on you.  It's disheartening and oftentimes makes you want to shut yourself off from seeking friends who fit this bill because the hurt and pain caused by trying to find people who are your truest friends is a pain like no other.  It sometimes hits you sideways like another car t-boning you.  You don't see it coming and it tears you apart but you've got to keep looking and searching for those who will do life with you throughout your life that will be your truest friends.  We need people like that in our lives.  God wants us to have people like that in our lives.  He wants us to be able to count on and lean on one another while also continuing to seek Him in the midst of all that happens in life.  

Don't shut down or shut yourself off from the world because you've been hurt to the depth of your soul.  When life knocks you down get back up again and again and again and let God bring the right people into your life that will walk through all of life with you.  Allow Him to comfort you when disappointment happens because people bailed on you who you thought would stay.  Allow Him to wipe the tears of that disappointment away from your eyes and go on continuing to seek for those who He wants to fill your life and walk through life with you.  He will never disappoint you like so many others will.  

Keep moving forward with God and with those of like minds that are your truest friends.  God will add people into your life at just the right time.  God's timing is perfect! 

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