This is such a great quote. We are always sharing stuff of this nature with Tim.
Our son loves weightlifting. He'd rather be doing it than anything else. He looks forward to training everyday. He thinks about it and talks about it all the time.
Life events though, are just like with weightlifting, it doesn't get easier, you just get stronger and better equipped to handle them.
Tim is growing so much these past couple of years (mentally & physically). His maturity from all he's gone through in his young life is like that of a young adult instead of a normal 16 year old teenage kid. He doesn't spend a lot of time around kids his own age because he tells his dad and I all the time that they are just too immature and that he doesn't have time for all that. We love seeing where his mind is at right now. We love hearing the words coming out of his mouth because we know that all that we have taught him all these years has stuck. As a parent there's no greater feeling than knowing that your kid really gets it and all the life lessons you've taught have stuck.
Tim knows, I mean really knows, that God has a plan for his life. God has saved him from death twice. Two times satan tried to snuff his young life out and two times God told satan no, it's not his time. What satan has meant for harm in our sons life God is going to turn for Tim's good and His glory. We love watching the hand of God move in our family. We are so appreciative of His protection over us. For His keeping us healthy. We take our jobs as parents seriously because we know in two more years when Tim is 18 we hand his young life fully into God's hands knowing we've done our part to the best of our ability trusting God completely to complete in Tim what we didn't/couldn't do.
God's hand in/on our lives matters. Everyday it matters. From the time we wake up til we go to sleep til we rise again from our slumber it matters. I'm so thankful everyday that God has blessed my life the way that he has. He gave me Scot at a time when I had finally said, "Lord if it's only you and me for the rest of my life that's fine." But God!!! Then he gave Scot and I Tim at a time in our lives when we weren't sure if we'd be able to successfully have a child because we were in our upper 30's when we married which made any pregnancy I would have be a high risk pregnancy because of my age. But God!!! My pregnancy was easy but the labor was hard and the delivery ended up having to be a c-section. Complications forced that to happen. I just couldn't physically have him. We never got pregnant again after that. We wanted one more but that door was shut so we've just been incredibly thankful for the gift we were given in Tim. He made our family complete and we are cherishing every moment with our son.
Thank you Lord that you give us the wherewithal in this life to grow stronger everyday so that we are better equipped to handle life's problems with Your guidance! Thank You for our health and for Your protection over us each and every day as we do life together as a family. Thank You that You protect Scot every day as he works to provide for us. We thank You that the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous and that You are glorified in our lives as we seek Your face each and every day of our lives. May You be at the center of it all no matter what happens or may come. May You always be glorified now and forevermore. I love You, Lord! I can't say those words without thinking of that old song. It rings in my ears every time I think or say them: May the words to song ring in your ears every time you say, "I Love You" to the Lord too.
Keep growing my friends. Keep growing.
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