Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

In Less Than 2 Months Time....

In less than 2 months time Tim has gained this much muscle...

And he hasn't even lifted any really heavy weight yet.  Comparing his muscle gain to this time next year will be insane I'm sure.  He so loves this sport.  I wish there was a way to really describe just how happy he is in words.  He smiles all the time now except when I take pictures of him either in his dobak or of his muscles then it's a serious face...LOL! He says weightlifting is a sport that's a true sport.  I asked him what he meant by that and he said you either make your lifts or you don't.  There's nothing that will define your results any differently.  You don't have human factor making bad calls.  You either do it or you don't.  It's just that simple.  He has a huge point too.  There's nothing he does that anyone can take advantage of in this sport.  They all have to do the lifts the same way and they have to complete their lifts to move on and who lifts the most weight in his division is the clear winner.  It's what makes it a true sport.  

We love his new haircut too.  It makes him look so grown up and more professional when he works with his dad which has been more often these days now that he can be more of a help.  Scot is really enjoying having him on jobs with him.  

Tim likes it better too because his hair isn't getting in the way when he lifts either.  Scot and I still call him T but for social media purposes he wants us using Tim.  It's a whole new him.  He didn't want to keep anything that was linked with when he was doing TaeKwonDo Sparring.  He's putting that all behind him now and doesn't want to think about it anymore.  He still wants his friends (those that are his "true" friends and didn't dump him as a friend when he quit sparring) to do well and will cheer them on in their endeavors with the sport always.  

"Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."  (Quote from Farris Bueller's Day Off movie). This is just what we are doing these days.  We are all enjoying life again these days now that sparring isn't taking up all of our time anymore.  Tim is doing what he loves.  When he's not weightlifting he's doing traditional TaeKwonDo (which he loves) and when he's not doing those he's gaming with his friends online.  We have more time as a family now because he's not living TaeKwonDo sparring anymore.  It's true he's shifted to another sport but it's not nearly as time consuming as the other was.  Praise the Lord! 

Life is so good!!!  Every moment is so precious!!!  We are continuing to cherish the moments always!!!  Good/bad we have embraced every moment of this life together as a family fully supporting one another in all that we do!!!  We will continue to do that too because, after all, Family is Everything!!!  

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