So today history has been made and the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade. What does this mean??? Really all it has done is take it out of the Supreme Courts hands and put it in the hands of each individual state to decide on whether they will ban it or not. Forbes did a likelihood of what will happen should it be overturned by the Supreme Court:

The picture shows that roughly 26 states will for sure ban abortion. So what does that mean? It means that women will travel now in order to get abortions so we really haven't solved the problem. It's been shifted to the states. Now the real work begins and that's where Christians pray for all states to eventually ban it and save the lives of our unborn children and give them a voice. So many precious innocent lives have been lost over the years to this decision that was made, by the Supreme Court, that should have never have been made in the first place because it was never the Supreme Court who should have decided any of it to begin with.
So much in our world is upside down right now. There are so many more challenges that our kids are being faced with, sexual orientation for one, besides this decision. So much cheering is going on and even though it is a win there is still much work that has to be done to make things right again. This is a beginning but there are still so many challenges that lay ahead for us that need our attention and need to be dealt with if we are going to really make a difference for our kids and their kids futures. So keep praying and seeking God as to what part you are to play in restoring things for the future of our kids and our kids kids and generations to come. There's still much work to be done and we have got to be about doing God's business! We've got to make a difference now! Change things that should have never been allowed or tolerated now! We've got to make a future that is secure and thriving for generations to come now! We've got to make a difference for God now! The longer the church doesn't stand up and make a difference the worse things will get. That has been proven already because of so many churches staying silent when they should be roaring like a lion!!! Don't count yourself out! No matter how old or young you are God has a job for you to do on this earth! It's why you are still here! Find out what that job is that He has for you to do and do it to the absolute best of your ability and with excellence! Make A Difference!!!
Thank you Lord for this win today. Work in the hearts and lives of your people, even me, and help us to pull up our sleeves and get to doing the work that you have for us to do! In Jesus Name, Amen!