Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Everything Has Come Full Circle…

Everything has come full circle for T with TaeKwonDo. He is really loving being with Master Douglas. I did this picture tonight to show you how things have come full circle for T. 

He is so enjoying being with Master Douglas. He’s looking forward to a long lasting relationship with him. Here’s some more pictures from tonight with T helping Master Doug with sparring class. 

I can’t get enough of watching how happy T is right now. It’s the happiest we’ve seen him since GMaster Cann passed away. Nothing was the same with her passing and now he’s feeling like he really fits in again. I love how God is always faithful to show us the path to take with T’s TaeKwonDo. #GodsPlanistheOnlyPlan

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Core TaeKwonDo Last Night…

T is staying engaged while he heals. He keeps coming and helping with class while he heals. He’s enjoying helping out while his legs rest and recover. Love how much he is enjoying being a part of Core. We have to practically pull him away for him to go home…LOL! 

Here’s a pic of him helping his teammate get geared up last night. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Our Homeschool Groups Yearbook...

This year our homeschool group yearbook is being done by a different company than they have used in the past.  I was able to add some personal pages to T's yearbook.  I'm looking forward to seeing it when it comes in and T is excited too because he looked at the pages I made up for him and he seemed to really like them.  I love doing the yearbook pages for him every year because it's memories that he will be able to have with him as he grows up and hopefully he will be able to share them with his own kids some day.  

Here are the screen shots of the pages I added to his yearbook.  These are not the family page that goes into the yearbook with our school and family name on them that everyone else will see though.  These are just the extra pages I ordered just for T's yearbook only.  Remember these are just screen shots taken from my mobile device.


Monday, June 27, 2022

Supreme Court Sides With Coach…

In yet another win for religious liberty on Monday, June 27, the Supreme Court issued a 6-3 ruling that former Bremerton, Washington High School assistant football coach Joseph Kennedy was exercising his First Amendment rights while praying with his players at the 50-yard line after games. In a particularly pointed rebuke, Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for the majority said, "Both the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the First Amendment protect expressions like Mr. Kennedy's. Nor does a proper understanding of the Amendment's Establishment Clause require the government to single out private religious speech for special disfavor. The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike." To which we at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute say: “Amen and thank you, Justice Gorsuch!” To learn more about Coach Joseph Kennedy, visit First Liberty here:

T’s Chiropractor Appt

T got adjusted late this afternoon by his chiropractor. He loves getting adjusted especially after a tournament/hard workouts. It makes all the difference in how he feels. Our chiropractor understands how to treat elite athletes and does so great with T. Dr. Bill keeps us up to date with all the cutting edge stuff that’s out there to help T stay in adjustment and at his healthiest no matter what life may bring his way.  Dr. Bill is not a back cracker. He uses an instrument for precise adjustments.  We are so thankful for all his knowledge and how great we feel when we get adjusted. 

T is so happy. He’s loving 🥰 all the changes that have taken place since June. He’s the happiest that we’ve seen him in a long long while. So glad for this change in our son. No matter what we are going to continue making positive moves to keep our son happy and healthy. #GodsPlanistheOnlyPlan

Update on T's Shins...

T's body coach has made adjustments to help T with his recovery from shin splints.  He is working on them this week and probably for the next 5 weeks before T returns to normal training.  A lot of T's body training will be core training until he gets fully recovered from these shin splints.  His core will be solid after these five weeks.  Looking forward to seeing how much this core strengthening helps him when he does the clinch drills with his teammates.  Much improvement should happen these weeks while he's healing and taking a break from normal training.  Enjoy these pics I got of T training in Daytona.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Mom is moving back home…

Mom is going back home. She feels she’s ready to go back so we have been dealing with getting her all moved back to her house today and tomorrow. We are getting her all set up for success at home. At least that’s what we are shooting for anyhow. We will be minus one on doing our puzzles so it will probably take us much longer to get them done now. Scot and I have enjoyed doing them. It hasn’t been all that bad having her here. She’s had her own privacy and everything. We had her set up quite well here. Hope she adjusts well to being back home. While it will be nice having it back to just us it will also take a little getting used to with her not being here. It won’t be too much longer, I’m sure, before she will be needing to live with me more permanently so she doesn’t have to climb stairs anymore. We are gearing ourselves up for when that day occurs as well. We are also hoping and praying we will be able to either renovate what we have, build new on our property, or purchase a new house/land altogether when that time comes so we can accommodate her better. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Pray 🙏 for America

This is a great post from our Pastor’s blog:  Pray for America!  Give it a read. It’s a good read. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Another Puzzle Finished!

Mom, Scot, and I have been enjoying doing puzzles in the evening after dinner until bedtime when we have time to sit down and do them.  We've been going through them pretty quickly these days.  This is our last puzzle that we just finished.  3 people doing these makes light work.

Don't Make Converts, Make Disciples!

On the whole, the modern church hasn’t discipled their converts. The emphasis has been on getting people born again, but the follow-up has been poor at best in most cases. The pastors have become absorbed with bringing a motivational message that might encourage someone or meet a momentary need. Very few ground their members in God’s Word to the degree the individual members can receive from God on their own. Hence, the body of Christ is dependent on the clergy to get any answers or insights from God. That is not what Jesus commanded. The failure to disciple converts is the root of most problems in the church and society today.

Take a moment and read this blog post.  It's on Discipleship vs Evangelism.  It's a very good read.  Check it out:  

Roe v Wade Overturned....What does this mean???

So today history has been made and the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade.  What does this mean???  Really all it has done is take it out of the Supreme Courts hands and put it in the hands of each individual state to decide on whether they will ban it or not.  Forbes did a likelihood of what will happen should it be overturned by the Supreme Court:

The picture shows that roughly 26 states will for sure ban abortion.  So what does that mean?   It means that women will travel now in order to get abortions so we really haven't solved the problem.  It's been shifted to the states.  Now the real work begins and that's where Christians pray for all states to eventually ban it and save the lives of our unborn children and give them a voice.  So many precious innocent lives have been lost over the years to this decision that was made, by the Supreme Court, that should have never have been made in the first place because it was never the Supreme Court who should have decided any of it to begin with.  

So much in our world is upside down right now.  There are so many more challenges that our kids are being faced with, sexual orientation for one, besides this decision.  So much cheering is going on and even though it is a win there is still much work that has to be done to make things right again.  This is a beginning but there are still so many challenges that lay ahead for us that need our attention and need to be dealt with if we are going to really make a difference for our kids and their kids futures.  So keep praying and seeking God as to what part you are to play in restoring things for the future of our kids and our kids kids and generations to come.  There's still much work to be done and we have got to be about doing God's business!  We've got to make a difference now!  Change things that should have never been allowed or tolerated now!  We've got to make a future that is secure and thriving for generations to come now!  We've got to make a difference for God now!  The longer the church doesn't stand up and make a difference the worse things will get.  That has been proven already because of so many churches staying silent when they should be roaring like a lion!!!  Don't count yourself out!  No matter how old or young you are God has a job for you to do on this earth!  It's why you are still here!  Find out what that job is that He has for you to do and do it to the absolute best of your ability and with excellence!  Make A Difference!!!  

Thank you Lord for this win today.  Work in the hearts and lives of your people, even me, and help us to pull up our sleeves and get to doing the work that you have for us to do!  In Jesus Name, Amen! 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

T Helping With Class Tonight

T is loving helping with class while he recovers. The little kids really look up to him. He seems to really enjoy helping them. Love seeing this side of him. 

It's Official...

Yesterday an announcement was made via a live video stream that USAT is in fact moving to Charlotte, NC.  We couldn't be more pleased with this change because it will mean more events on the east coast and less having to travel across to the west/central side for competitions.  At least that is the hopes of everyone on the east side who have traveled for years to the central and west for stuff.  Only time will tell but it is exciting times right now with this change.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

T's Recovery...

So T is dealing with a growth spurt which makes the Osgood Schlatters in his knees hurt extremely bad.  Then he is also dealing with Shin Splints which we got told today that it takes 4-6 weeks to completely heal from and if you don't allow it to heal then you make an already bad situation worse so that puts T out of being able to do the PATU President's Cup in August because he won't have enough time to train to be ready for it so we won't be wasting our time or money on going to it and let T get completely healed from the Osgood and the Splints.  It'll be good recovery time for him and his body coach is going to adapt his body training so that he doesn't make anything worse.  I have a feeling there is fixing to be a lot of core workouts coming T's way from his body coach...LOL!!  There's always something with this sport that athletes have to deal with.  This is a high intensity and high injury sport with things such as pulled muscles and shin splints and things of that nature.  It just kind of comes with doing this sport.  Every sport has their own challenges and this is TaeKwonDo sparring's challenges.  At any rate, T rests and recovers and does what his body coach tells him that he needs to do in order to completely heal up.  The really good thing about this is that he can eat and grow while healing.  That's a huge plus for T.  And even though it's painful T is really glad to have Osgood happening right now because he knows that means he will be getting taller and, of course, height matters in this sport.  

This picture was taken after his last fight and he got his medal and was making his way back to take off gear so we could leave the venue for the day.  He's looking so grown up.  #GodsPlanistheOnlyPlan

It's Been 1 Year...

It's been a year since you left this earth for your heavenly home with Jesus.  It feels like it was only yesterday though.  You will always hold such a special place in my heart.  No matter where I go or what I do in this life I will always carry a part of you, my friend, with me.  You may be gone from this world but never ever forgotten!!!

"In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us.  I am sure that nothing can separate us from God's love - not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus Our Lord!"  Romans 8:37-39 (CEV)

Monday, June 20, 2022

T’s Regular Class Uniform

T received his regular class uniform tonight. He’s looking forward to doing regular TaeKwonDo classes at Core TaeKwonDo Performance Center.  #GodsPlanistheOnlyPlan

Some Screenshots From T's Videos

These are screenshots that I pulled from T's videos so they will be a little blurry but they were really good shots where T got his opponent good.  The last photo though, is to show you the height difference between T and Flores.  #GodsPlanistheOnlyPlan

Puzzle Is Done!

We got this puzzle done and have another one to get started on.  We have been so enjoying doing puzzles.  It's been a fun family thing to do in the evenings rather than waste our time watching things on tv.  We've hardly turned on the tv since we started doing this.  I'm thinking about actually letting some of my subscriptions go that we stream because we are hardly ever watching anything these days.  This is such a beautiful puzzle that I'm considering framing it.  We'll see though because I don't really have a place to put this one.  

T’s Fight Videos From USAT East Grand Prix

Here are T’s fight videos from this past weekend. 

In this next video you will see the height difference of T and Flores. For his height Flores should be two weight divisions higher than T but he chooses to cut as low as T’s weight division because when you are a foot taller it’s easy wins. 

T fought so good in all his fights. His coach, Master Doug, doesn’t yell at him and he stays calm all three rounds. T goes for it in the second round and still loses to Flores but we still couldn’t be more proud. #GodsPlanistheOnlyPlan

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day!!!

I wanted to take a moment and wish the men in our life a Happy Father's Day from T and I.  We hope that all the Father's out there have a fantastic Father's Day today!  God Bless You All!!!

The first collage is from T to his Dad, the second is from me to Scot, and the last one is from Scot, T, and I to Popsie:

Saturday, June 18, 2022

T’s Completed Bracket…

T’s completed bracket for those that would like to check it out:

Home Sweet Home!!!

God knows things we don’t. We got a call that power to our home wouldn’t be restored until Sunday by 11pm so we left in the middle of the night to come home because we needed to get the generator on our deep freezer and fridge freezer. They were full to the brim and it would have cost a lot to replace it all had they unthawed. We were seriously 5 minutes from the house when we got the call that the power was restored. But again, God knows things we don’t and there was a reason that we weren’t supposed to be in Daytona and we were to be home. And it could be just so we could clean up the mess the straight line winds caused in our yard with limbs.  God could reveal in time another why behind our not getting to spend time at the beach. Regardless, though, we’re home safe and sound with a very happy boy. He had such a fantastic experience at this event with his new team and coach and we couldn’t be happier for him!!!  We didn’t lose any of our meat. It all stayed frozen. Thank you Lord for looking out for us as always!!!

Friday, June 17, 2022

T won Silver🥈

T did such a great job today. He fought well and did it all with shin splints. So incredibly proud of this kid right now. #GodsPlanistheOnlyPlan

T Wins Match 2

T wins match 2 and fights in the finals. At a minimum he brings home silver. We are praying 🙏 he brings home the gold. The kid he fights next is like a foot taller than T. We sit and wait though. We couldn’t be more proud of how far T has come in this tournament. It’s the first big tournament where he has made it this far. This is a really big deal for T. So incredibly proud and excited for our boy.