Back in August of 2023 Tim made a decision that changed the course that his life had been on up to that point. He walked away from the only sport that he had known and loved since he was 7 years old. He made a grown up decision in the midst of a horrible situation that changed his life drastically for the better. He's in such a great place today, mentally & physically, because of the decision that he made then. I've never been more proud of him than I was in that moment of time.
Our kids are ours for but a whisper of time on this earth then we put them fully back into God's hands who trusted us with their upbringing in the first place. He entrusted them to us when we had them so it's only right they we entrust them back to him as we raise them and when they become adults.
Tim graduates high school in 2026. That's only a little over a year away. I'm so glad that we chose to homeschool all these years. It's been challenging. There's been times when I felt I would pull my hair out in dealing with his schooling but I'd do it all over again. Homeschooling him has afforded us the comfort in knowing that he's been taught right and that he's had no outside influences to mess with his mind. He knows how to critically think things through. He has his own strong mind and knows how to think and do for himself. He's more mature at 17 years of age than most 30yo adults we see when we are out and about doing business in town. He's seen, been through more, and knows a lot more than other kids his age. I love the man that he is becoming because I know that he will be able to handle whatever life throws his way.
People say it will be hard to let him go when he graduates next year. Somehow I don't think so. Sure, he'll officially be a man in the laws eyes because he'll be 18yo but I take such comfort in the knowledge that he's been raised good. If he chooses to go out on his own I'll miss him but he knows where home is and he knows that he will always be welcomed home no matter what. We've always let him know that we will always be there for him and his dad and I mean that too. Family is everything! Family matters! God is at the center of our family! God's hand is over our lives and we trust him 100% with everything in our lives too. Life wouldn't be worth living without God in our lives. Thank you God for your presence in our lives each and every day. We love you!
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