Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Sunday, January 26, 2025

A Year & A Half of Nothing But Progress..

Here's Tim's lastest Personal Best Snatch which he's hoping to make a Meet PR soon:

Tim did a 90kg Snatch Saturday.  That's so huge.  He's made such great strides since moving over to weightlifting.  We couldn't be more proud and happy for him.

On this elite athlete journey we've been on we've learned so much.  We learned what we were doing wrong and what we were doing right.  We learned what we needed to change and we made the needed changes.  That's huge for parents as well as athletes.  To know when to make changes and when to fight is major!!!

For so long we were of the mindset that Tim made a commitment to a certain sport and that he needed to stick to it no matter what.  It was what he had told us he wanted to do and so we were making him keep to his end of the bargain and continue to do the sport he had chosen.  What we didn't factor in was all the outside circumstances and situations that would tear down our son and make him into a shell of a person.  We saw our sons spirit dwindling away and totally crushed by people who were supposed to truly care about him but in the end didn't.  Tim's love of the sport he was doing just vanished away after the last issue that he had that brought about real change which brought him to the sport he's doing now.

Ya know, the last situation that caused him and us to walk away from TKD sparring was really a blessing in disguise.  What satan meant for harm and destruction God turned for Tim's good and our good as a family.  A year & a half later folks and our son + our family unit is so very different.  The happiness in our home/lives is like nothing we've ever known since Tim started down the elite athlete path when he was 7/8 years old.  It's like all these years later we have our family back.  We have such a happiness that's better than what we had before Tim started down the elite sport competing path.  

Being an elite athlete is not for the faint of heart.  It's hard, very hard!  It's the toughest thing a competitor will ever do.  It's all consuming.  It takes a strong family unit in order to do it.  When Olympians thank their parents it's because, we parents, put just as much into our kids sports/competitions as they do with our support of them to get them where they want to go.  

Tim still has olympic dreams.  He has the best coach that he's ever had!  Will his dreams ever come to fruition?  Only God knows that.  As long as Tim has the goal he will have our support though.  

Having our kids in a good place mentally when it comes to sports of any kind matters so very much.  We have a hugely different young man in our home now.  One that talks to us more than he ever has.  He is always sharing with us what he's learning and showing us as well.  He's including us more than he ever has all because of the support that he's receiving from us on a day in and day out basis.   Showing love and encouragement constantly are all we are about with our son.  Having him so excited and happy brings such warmth and happiness to our hearts.  His dad and I are loving how strong our family unit is now.  What a massive change this has been for us but it's been so worth it.  

So many folks can't believe after all the years in one sport that we just moved on but knowing when to move on is so huge.  There's no sense in wasting time and money in a sport that isn't going to yield the result that your kid ultimately wants so moving on was the right thing to do.  Life is so good, God is at the center of our home and we are blessed beyond measure!!!  Thank you Lord for being ever constant in our lives!  

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