Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Another Day & More Shared Thoughts....

In Colossians we are encouraged that whatever we do to do it with all of our heart as working for the Lord not as working for others.  We are told that we already have knowledge that will receive an inheritance from the Lord as our reward.  We are His workmanship.  His children.  So it stands to reason that when we work for the Lord as his children that there is in an inheritance from the Lord.  But we need to work at whatever we do with all of our heart as for the Lord.  When we do that in also stands to reason that everything in our life will be in unity with Him.  Being in unity with the Lord brings wholeness and happiness that goes deeper than our finite human understanding.  It reaches to such depths that it fills our hearts to overflowing.  No matter what happens in this world if we keep this scripture before us and do as it says everything will be alright and, as Mr. T would say, "I pity the fool" that messes with God's people!  Life may get crazy at times but I will work at whatever I do with all my heart for the Lord always because living a life devoted to Him is all that matters at the end of the day!

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