Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024

USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024
Tim got 4th Place at USA Weightlifting Youth Nationals 2024 with Athletic Lab Weightlifting Club.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Been Playing with Canva...

Been playing with Canva and did this picture from Tim's first ever weightlifting meet.  Love all that Canva lets me do for personal and for our business.  I'm getting better each time that I get to spend time playing with it.  I am enjoying soaking up this Gold medal win from his first time competing and looking forward to all that God has in store for him as he continues to grow, learn and compete in this sport.  He has told his dad and I that he loves this sport so much more than he ever did sparring.  

Monday, October 23, 2023

Pictures From the Carolinas WSO Championship

We had a professional photographer take some pics so that I could enjoy the Meet.  I'm sharing a link so that you can view all of the photos.  Some are from the photographer and some are from me.  Click on the pic below and it will take you to the link.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Corn Maze Fun...

Last night T went with our homeschool group to do a flashlight cornmaze.  We arrived before dark but I didn't take any pictures like I normally do.  The pictures that I will share are from online.   When you do the cornmaze you get to pick out a pumpkin.  T didn't want to pick one out so Scot picked one for us.  Scot and I sat around the fire eating s'mores with friends while the kids did the cornmaze.  It was nice to be out of the house for little bit last night reconnecting with some of our friends in our homeschool group.  Hoping to do more with them this school year.  Here are a few pictures that I got from online to give you an idea of the fun that was had.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Met Olympian Caine "The Dragon" Wilkes....

Tim got to meet an Olympian at the Carolina WSO Championship Meet.  That was a real treat getting to meet him.  Caine is a Beast!  The picture doesn't do how huge he is justice.  T also got to watch him lift as well.  He successfully lifted like 207kg which is somewhere a little over 450#'s.  Tim was crazy impressed with watching him lift.  

Carolinas WSO Championship...

On October 15th Tim competed in the Carolinas WSO Championship Weightlifting Meet and brought home a Gold Medal.  He was 6/6 in his lifts.  To explain, they get 3 snatch lifts and 3 clean & jerk lifts.  Each time they make a good lift they add more weights until they have lifted the best weight they can.  It was his first ever weightlifting competition.  We are so incredibly proud of him.  He has worked so hard since August learning and growing in the sport so that he could compete in this Meet.  There will be more/better pictures to come but enjoy these pics of his best lifts and this video for now.  

40kg Snatch:

53kg Clean & Jerk:  

Click on pic for the video:

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Muscle Up↑↑↑

Tim is loving his muscle gain since doing weightlifting training.  He loves every moment that he can spend in the gym.  He's becoming what they call a "gym rat".  He'd live there if he could...LOL!! 

Hampton Morris....

Hamp is one of USA Weightlifting's Junior Weightlifters and who Tim looks up to.  Junior division is made up of 18-20 year olds.  Youth has a 13-15 and a 16-17 division.  In the sparring world it was CJ (who will be representing USA at the 2024 Olympics) who Tim looked up to but CJ and Tim were nothing alike really.  Hamp and Tim are so much alike.  Tim isn't to the level of doing things like Hamp yet but their minds are so much alike that it's scary.  This video that I'm sharing with you is so well put together.  It gives great insight into what it's like to be a weightlifter on the journey to represent for TEAM USA at the Olympics someday.  Hamp is someone that Tim follows everything that he does.  He is definitely a lot like Hamp.  The way Tim thinks is very much the same as him.  As a mom it was really freaky watching this video and somewhat looking at Tim's twin.  Only difference is they look nothing alike but they think exactly alike.  I took a Whoa moment after first watching it.  

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

New Personal Best...

Tim has done a new personal best.  He can Clean & Jerk 55kg.  Here's a picture and video for you to watch.  

Athletic Lab Weightlifting T-Shirt....

Tim now has a t-shirt and sweatshirt with Athletic Lab Weightlifting on them.  He loves wearing them.  He's a proud young man being able to have something he can wear with his weightlifting teams logo and name on it.  

Israel Matters!!!

I had to share….
Sent by a friend...
Why does Israel matter?
Did you know that the time clock of the return of Jesus Christ isn’t based on America’s timeline? It’s based on what is happening in Israel.
Did you know Jesus wasn’t a “Christian” ? He was a Jew. He celebrated and kept the Jewish holy days and customs, as well as the feasts of the LORD. He didn’t come to eradicate the Torah and writing of the Prophets / Old Testament. He came to fulfill the prophecies that were written in them.
When Jesus returns, He isn’t returning to the United States. The Bible says He is going to plant His foot down on the Mount of Olives and go through the Eastern Gate, which is currently sealed off with 16 feet of concrete. A cemetery was also placed in front of that gate because touching the dead makes a Jew considered unclean and unable to enter the Temple, which is considered Holy. The Word of GOD says He will return there and from there He will rule and reign for 1,000 years.
The final battle isn’t going to be on U.S. soil. It’s going to be in the Valley of Megiddo, in Israel. The Bible says as the nations wage war against Israel Jesus will come and destroy His enemies with the breath of His mouth. 2 Thess 2:8
GOD did not replace the Jews with Christians as some believe. We are actually grafted in with them as you would graft a wild branch into an existing tree.
The Word of GOD says, “When you touch Israel, you touch the Apple of GOD’s eye.” Zechariah 2:8
“He that keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. The LORD is thy keeper.” Psalm 121:4
“I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you.” Genesis 12:3
We are also commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in Psalm 122.
ISRAEL matters. 🇮🇱
PRAY FOR ISRAEL & Pray for the Luke warm to come to Jesus Christ in FULLNESS 🙏🏻
Share This!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Athletic Lab Social Media Post....

Recently Tim and one of his teammates were featured in a social media post that the gym posted.  He is loving every moment of doing this sport.  I mean he really truly loves it!!!  He's definitely found what it is that he really wants to do.  Traditional TaeKwonDo is just his side sport now.  He still loves it but not near as much as weightlifting.  He wants to continue belting up in TaeKwonDo though so he will just be doing both.  Check out the pictures that were taken.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

National Coaches Day....

National Coaches Day was 2 days ago.  I made a social media post but forgot to make a blog post.  My apologies.  

Tim has been blessed to have some amazing coaches throughout the years as he's competed in competitions as an Elite Athlete.  Even though he's shifted gears with doing weightlifting he's still an Elite Athlete going after goals.  He has so much respect for the coaches who have poured into him through the years.  He's learned a ton and it's shaped him into the amazing young man that he is today.  He knows exactly what he wants to implement in his life and what he doesn't want to implement in his life from all he's learned since his youth.  He is an incredible leader.  He has a great mindset.  He knows what he wants out of life and he's going after it with everything he's got.  Tim is just a well rounded young man and I can't wait to see all that God is going to do in his life on this new path that he is on.  He will make a great coach some day because of all that he's learned, good and bad, from the coaches that he has had.  So Happy National Coaches Day to all the amazing coaches who have touched our son's life in a positive way.  He will never ever forget any of you.  


Praying For Israel...

We've been praying for Israel and the families who have lost loved ones.  

We Have China...

We have incredible clients!  One of our repeat clients noticed me admiring her China Set last time we were in to clean her carpets for her.  I told her how beautiful her China was.  She remembered our conversation when her sister in law was trying to figure out what to do with her China Set and Crystal because none of her kids wanted it.  Our client told her sister in law about the conversation she had with me and said I'd be the perfect person to give her China to.  What a huge blessing and so greatly appreciated.  I've always wanted a China Set but I was even more wowed when she gave us the China Cabinet as well.  

These past couple of weeks have been challenging to say the least but being blessed like this was so heart warming.  It touched me so deeply.  God is so good!!!  I still need to windex the glass doors but this is so much fun to sit back and enjoy looking at.  I can't wait for the first time that I get to use them.