William Howard Hall - born 10/20/51 went to be home with his Savior on 8/7/10. He fought a good fight, battling cancer, and is safely home.
The pics you see below I swiped from his daughter, Beverly.

I want to take a moment to give honor to William Hall. William was a husband, father, friend, and mentor. He was one of my youth leaders when I was a teenager. He loved the Lord and loved young people. He had such a heart to see others come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and was such a great example to us young people. I have always remembered he and his wife, Vicky, fondly over the years. As I look back on my years as a youth I see even more clearly how much they cared. As a youth you take that kind of stuff for granted and as an adult you look back appreciating the people that God has placed in your life to make a difference in your life. William Hall was someone who believed that anyone can change and that no one was hopeless. He was faithful to pray and be there to lend to helping hand. He will be deeply missed but he is now in a better place where there is no suffering and I can say with confidence that he is having a great time with his Lord and wouldn't trade it for anything. I love you Hall Family. Thanks for always being such great examples and encouragement to me. It is truly a blessing to know you and call you friends.