Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Arnold/Virus Weightlifting Series 1 Results....

Tim got his credentials on Wednesday before going to the training hall to train with the team:

Tim's Lifts:

82kg Snatch:

85kg Snatch PR:

He missed one of his Snatches that I didn't include here because he overpowered it.

101kg Clean & Jerk:

106kg Clean & Jerk (the most he's ever done in a Meet):

114kg/261# Attempt (it's the most he's ever tried to lift thus far):

He cleaned it perfect but lost it in the jerk.  It was so close and such a great attempt.  The most he's ever tried to do thus far.

Tim brought home 3 Silvers.  85kg Snatch PR + 106kg Clean & Jerk = 191 Total PR.  One medal for Snatch, One medal for Clean & Jerk and One medal for Total.  What a great 1st experience at this Meet.  He gets to go to the Series Final in Daytona, FL in December😊.

65kg Youth Division starting NOW!

This is what being able to eat looks like on Tim....LOL🤣!

Tim with Coach Jarrod.  They have such a great relationship.

Tim was so glad to finally get this shirt.  He thinks the world of Hamp!

Tim (with his Nan) was glad that we could jot over and celebrate with the family.

Everyone loves seeing Tim so happy and healthy.  Changing to this sport has been so huge for him.  It's been the best move ever.  He's grown so much physically and mentally.  So so proud of our boy.  Can't wait to see what all he accomplishes as he continues to grow in this sport.  He's only 1 1/2 years into the sport.  We've been told it takes four years to really get grounded and make a name for yourself in this sport.  If what he's doing already isn't grounded/making a name for himself it will be interesting to see what he will look like when he's four years in😳😳😳...LOL! 

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