Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Having a spouse...

No truer words have ever been said than these.  Scot is my constant, outside my walk with God.  He's a place that I can run to and be safe.  I'm so thankful to walk through life with him by my side.  He is one of God's most wonderful blessings to me and I'm so grateful to God for him.  He is my best friend.  I love spending every moment that we can together.  I think back to life before I knew him and I honestly can't remember what that was like.  It's like I've forgotten it like our Heavenly Father forgets our sins as far is the east is from the west and beyond.  I've put it so far behind me because with Scot I'm home.  I don't miss anything from my life before he entered into my life.  God graced me with the ability to put that away to remember no more because in scripture we are told that the two shall become one and that is exactly what we have done in our marriage and that is so very precious to me.  Scot has a strength that I admire immensely.  Everything about him just drips strength and you wouldn't know it to look at him either.  God is the central focus of his life and our lives together.  When making important decisions about life together we are so in tuned to one another.  I know that came directly from God above.  We are so different in personality but can make those important decisions because of how much God leads/guides/directs our lives.  God gives us such a depth of discernment so that we make the right calls on hard decisions.  Right calls that reflect on God's hand in and over our lives.  Never in my life could I have imagined a better husband to go through life with than the one that God blessed me with.  Outside of God, he is my everything!  So thankful, humbled and blessed beyond measure.  On November 11th we will celebrate our 18th anniversary officially even though we have already celebrated early with my mom and our son when we went to Angus Barn this past weekend.   God is good!  Life is good!  And no matter what may come or happen I will always say, "God is good! Life is good!" because He's the one who gave us this life!  Amen and Amen!!!

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