Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Having a spouse...

No truer words have ever been said than these.  Scot is my constant, outside my walk with God.  He's a place that I can run to and be safe.  I'm so thankful to walk through life with him by my side.  He is one of God's most wonderful blessings to me and I'm so grateful to God for him.  He is my best friend.  I love spending every moment that we can together.  I think back to life before I knew him and I honestly can't remember what that was like.  It's like I've forgotten it like our Heavenly Father forgets our sins as far is the east is from the west and beyond.  I've put it so far behind me because with Scot I'm home.  I don't miss anything from my life before he entered into my life.  God graced me with the ability to put that away to remember no more because in scripture we are told that the two shall become one and that is exactly what we have done in our marriage and that is so very precious to me.  Scot has a strength that I admire immensely.  Everything about him just drips strength and you wouldn't know it to look at him either.  God is the central focus of his life and our lives together.  When making important decisions about life together we are so in tuned to one another.  I know that came directly from God above.  We are so different in personality but can make those important decisions because of how much God leads/guides/directs our lives.  God gives us such a depth of discernment so that we make the right calls on hard decisions.  Right calls that reflect on God's hand in and over our lives.  Never in my life could I have imagined a better husband to go through life with than the one that God blessed me with.  Outside of God, he is my everything!  So thankful, humbled and blessed beyond measure.  On November 11th we will celebrate our 18th anniversary officially even though we have already celebrated early with my mom and our son when we went to Angus Barn this past weekend.   God is good!  Life is good!  And no matter what may come or happen I will always say, "God is good! Life is good!" because He's the one who gave us this life!  Amen and Amen!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

We Did Our Civic Duty...

Today we went and cast our votes.  Praying for all Christians to vote the Bible and not just a party affiliation.  I'm so over the party affiliation crap.  Too many vote a certain way because that's how their families have always voted.  Or they will vote for a woman just because they want to be a part of history that votes in the first woman president.  Those are crappy ways to choose who you will vote for.  Just vote the Bible and you will never go wrong as a follower of Christ.  Just saying.  

Weightlifting Article...

This is an article that was done on Olivia Reeves, our Gold Medal Olympian.  You may have to click on them to read them.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Celebration Dinner Last Night...

Last night we took mom to Angus Barn for dinner to do a belated birthday celebration for her, a celebration for Tim's wins at the Carolinas WSO Championships, a celebration for our 18th Anniversary early and a celebration for my birthday early.  It was one big culminated celebration.  They have already decorated for Christmas and boy do they deck out the place.  It was so beautiful.  My mom and I absolutely loved it.  It's our favorite time of the year.  Here are some pictures we took:

My guys clean up so good!

More Pics from States...

The photographer for the Carolinas WSO Championships took some great shots of Tim that we wanted to share with you here.  Enjoy.

My favorite photo of the Meet!  He'd just lifted 101kg/222#'s which was a Meet PR!

Saturday, October 26, 2024


So we moved Tim's medal rack from what used to be the school room/office to his teen cave + we've added a new medal rack for his weightlifting medals to go on.  He's so excited to have them all in his teen cave so that all of his friends can see them when he's gaming on his gaming computer...LOL! He is proud of all that he's accomplished in his young life so far and so are we.  

As you can see he had earned a lot of medals in his young life.  He can wait to make his weightlifting medal rack look like his TKD medal rack...LOL! 

We saw the Wooly Worm...

As you can see the wooly worm is black/brown/black.  According to what I've been told the black stands for cold and the brown stands for warm.  So it looks like we will have a cold/warm/cold winter ahead of us.  We've had that for so many years now.  We haven't had a good snow since Tim was a toddler.  That's been some time ago.  Maybe at some point we'll get to see more than a dusting to an inch of snow again.  It sure would be nice to have some real snow.  

Report Card for 2023-2024 School Year....Better Late Than Never....

Better late than never.  We had two deaths in the family (Popsie and Aunt Joyce) at the end of the school year before summer break this year and I totally forgot to post Tim's report card and certificate on here like I normally do.  Sometimes life just happens and things get missed.  Here it is now though:

You might have to click on them to enlarge them in order to read them.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Woe To Them...

Isaiah 5:20 (NIV) - "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Life Application Bible Footnote:  "When people do not carefully observe the distinction between good and evil, destruction soon follows.  It is easy for people to say, 'No one can decide for anyone else what is really right or wrong.' They may think getting drunk can't hurt them, extramarital sex isn't really wrong, or money doesn't control them.  But when we make excuses for our actions, we break down the distinction between right and wrong.  If we do not take God's Word,  the Bible, as our standard, soon all moral choices will appear fuzzy.  Without God, we are headed for a breakdown and much suffering."

As a follower of Christ I see this already happening when I look at our culture and society as a whole.  It saddens my heart so very much to see how far away from God we, as a people group, have fallen from our godly upbringings.  From our great grandparents and beyond church and God's Word had central place in the home.  Nothing was open on Sunday.  It was truly regarded as a day of rest.  Everyone went to church on Sunday mornings.  It's just what they did.  You grew up really knowing God's Word because you were raised up in church.  Nothing about our society today resembles anything like what it should be if we were still giving homage to our heritage/God's Word.  It's something we desperately need to get back to but I don't think we will because of the direction everything is going in today.  Life would be so much better if we would just get back to God.  If He was put as the center of our homes.  If He was revered as He should be in our lives.  We truly are at a point where as Isaiah 5:20 says, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil" because make no mistake about it we are in a state of breakdown and suffering because of it!  

Remember, satan comes to steal, kill and destroy but the Lord comes so that we can have life and have it in abundance.  Which would you rather have?  To live in sin and let satan steal, kill and destroy?  or To live for the Lord and have life in abundance?  The former is nothing but misery and the latter is living an abundant life as long as we are living for the Lord.  As for me I will serve the Lord!  He will always be my choice.  What about you?

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Fall For Jesus, He Never Leaves...

Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  (NIV)
Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (NIV)
Romans 10:13 - "For everyone who calls on the name of Lord will be saved." (NIV)
Romans 12:1&2 - "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship.  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV)
Hebrews 13:5b - "God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (NIV)
Joshua 1:5 - "No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life.  As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." (NIV)

I have never ever regretted asking Jesus into my heart to be my Lord and Savior.  He has never disappointed me, although I have disappointed him.  The beauty of my relationship with my Savior is that if I confess my sins he forgets them to remember them no more.  His love is unconditional.  He has led/guided/directed my life in ways that I would have never expected.  He has saved me from myself and my selfish ways time and again showing me that His way is the best way.  He has kept me from harm/death because there were many times when my life should have been snuffed out and it wasn't.  He has a plan and purpose (Jer. 29:11) for our lives and it's a good plan!!!  It took me many years to learn that and to really let it take hold in my life when I was younger.  

I came to the Lord at 12 years old asking him into my heart and life.  I had no clue what that really would mean until I was in my 20's. My life had been filled with so much turmoil from a little child to young adulthood.  I even got to where I was having suicidal thoughts/tendencies.  It wasn't until I got help at a full time, live in, Christian counseling center (Mercy Ministries) that I was able to get my life on the track God had for me.  While there all that I had been taught from the Word of God came alive as I got the help I so desperately needed to move forward in life.  That was a little over 30 years ago.  It's hard to believe it's been that long but it has.  

My life today is so wonderful.  I have an incredible husband and an amazing son.  Our son is being afforded all that I wasn't when growing up.  We have supported his dreams as an elite athlete since he was 8 years old.  We don't regret a moment of it either.  We have done our best to instill in him to do his best no matter what he's doing and leave the results in God's hands.  We have also done our best to instill in him that everything that he does in life to do it as unto God and to always have him at the center of your life.  

It's how my husband, Scot, and I live our lives.  We do our best in all that we do and leave the results up to God.  We trust him in every area of our lives.  He is everything to us.  In our home we trust in the Lord completely and do our best to do his will when he makes it clear to us.  

We will never regret a life of devotion to God.  Folks have said things to the effect of what if you get to the end of your life and there's no God and death is just the end and there's no more?  To that I always say I'd rather have wasted my life believing in God (which it isn't a waste) then to discover at the end that there is a God and have not believed and spend eternity in hell.   Believing is so much better than risking going to hell if I turn my back on God, which I will never do.  The one is so much better than the other and I sure don't won't to test that theory and find out I should've believed when I didn't.  Just saying.  

You will never go wrong by choosing Jesus!!!  And you do have a choice!  What's your choice going to be???