Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Farewell 2023!

We don't go out for New Year's Eve anymore and haven't really in years.  We like to be safe and snug in our home to ring in the new year as a family.  

As this year comes to a close we say farewell to a year that was a roller coaster for our son but ended on a fantastic note with him starting his weightlifting journey with coach Jarrod at Athletic Lab and laying to rest a very bad ending to his sparring journey due to issues that were beyond his control.  

As I think about all that happened this year I shake my head at some things and smile at other things.  We find out who our true friends are during the tough moments.  Those that bail out because things got tough are not worth our time or efforts.  It's best to let them go and move on and that's just what we did halfway through 2023.  But I smile so big these days because Tim has found something he's truly passionate about and it's changed his whole world.  His schoolwork is better than ever and I don't have to constantly remind him to make sure that he's getting it done.  He's just doing it.  Because he's so happy it is touching every aspect of his life and relationships.  For those still in his/our lives they are seeing it and are so happy for him and us.  For those that bailed on us it's their loss in such a humungous way!!!  

Oftentimes God has people in our lives for just a season.  Other times He has them in our lives for a lifetime.  As you grow in this life you find out who your life long friends are and you hold on tight to them and never let them go.  The ones that are there for a season are those that miss out on so much because they make the decision to be that seasonal friend instead of that life long friend.  It's a choice and ours to make of which kind of friend we will be.  Being a true friend means being a life long friend.  That's the kind of friend that I always strive to be to those that I call my friend and it's very sad when we come across those that have all the right words and on the outside seem to be a true life long friend but are really just fake.  We said goodbye to several of those this year.  Some were a shock to us and others not so much.  But nevertheless we are so thankful for those that have remained our true friends through it all.  

I sit here so incredibly thankful for friends who are like family.  Friends who even though we don't talk or see one another a lot we are still close at heart and always pick up just where we left off.  For friends near and far.  No matter where our friends are we appreciate your friendship.  Our hearts swell with overwhelming gratitude because of you and how deeply you touch our lives.  

I also sit here so incredibly thankful for our family.  Our family has had it's ups and downs this year but through it all we are always there for one another and love one another.  Our hearts are filled to overflowing from the love we feel for and from our family.

Lastly, I'm so overwhelming thankful to God for always being there for us in every moment of our lives even the ones that we aren't as proud of.  We all have those moments in our lives when we feel that we've failed God on some level or another.  We take time, especially at this time of year, to start the new year fresh.  We pray asking God's forgiveness for when we missed the mark.  We pray thanking God for giving us the strength to hit the mark more than we miss it.  And we pray asking for His blessings over us, our family and friends in the New Year and for an even deeper faith to do better as we continue to walk this walk of faith with Our God!  Our Savior!  Our Reason for Living!  God Bless You All!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Tim's Meal After Making Official PR Lifts...

Tim chose to go to the Gatehouse Tavern after making his official lifts on the 23rd.  He loves their flatbread pizza.  He is so happy to be able to eat and not be cutting like he used to have to do at this time of year.  It's the first Thanksgiving and Christmas in 7 years that Tim has been able to really enjoy the holiday cooking goodness.  Cutting weight for competitions sucks.  He was always in cutting mode for a comp when he was still sparring.  Tim is glad to be doing weightlifting now because he can eat, gain muscle and most importantly grow at the rate he should be growing at his age.  We were never on the page of cutting but it was forced upon Tim so that he could fight guys more his size.  It was the only way that he would be able to be competitive in sparring.  So so glad that is behind him and that he's loving this weightlifting  journey that he is on.  

An Even Better Video...

An even better video of Tim's Official PR lifts.

December 25th, Merry Christmas...

I look forward to this time of year every year.  Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday for two reasons.  One we get to celebrate our saviors birth because without it there wouldn't have been made available a path that leads to heaven for us.  Two because I love being an extra special blessing to the kids in our family at this time of year.  It's such a joyful time of year.  

Tim had quite the Christmas haul this year.  His big gift items were his IWF Approved Bar Bell so he can do weightlifting training at home when he needs to, new AirPod Pros so that he can listen to his music and the new Quest 3 so that he can play online games with his friends on vr.  All his other gifts were just icing.  Here are some pictures...     

Quest 3

Caffeine & Kilos socks and fanny pack.

Weightlifting Belt

A flag to hang in the garage gym.

AirPod Pros

A comfy head piece for the Quest 3 VR.. 

December 23rd Lifts....

These are now Official lifts that were done for USA Weightliftings December Qualifier that qualifies Tim to be able to sign up for National/Elite Level Weightlifting Meets.  It was so great that he was able to do this on video at Athletic Lab where he trains and just upload them to the USA Weightlifting sight.  It sure beats having to go to a competition to qualify like he used to have to do when he was still sparring.  Everything is so much better in the weightlifting world verses the tkd sparring world.  

57kg Snatch + 75kg Clean & Jerk = 132kg total.  He had to meet a minimum requirement of 130kg total.  So proud of all his accomplishments in such a short time with weightlifting.

Macho Macho Man...

He's gaining more muscle with each training.  


December 18th Lifts...

Tim did some amazing strength training lifts that we wanted to share with you.  

Monday, December 18, 2023

His Coach Posted This...

His coach made this post on the teams social media feed and I wanted to share it here with you all.  

This Smile...

I so love seeing this smile on his face and seeing him so incredibly happy.  You have to turn up the volume.

Then and Now....

Here's a then and now picture from 2015 to now.  Tim has changed so much through the years and of course he has switched sports entirely now.  He loved TaeKwonDo once upon a time but having a coach that did what they did to Tim just left such a bad taste in his mouth that he couldn't get past even though he switched back to his original TaeKwonDo school.  This new journey he's on with weightlifting he absolutely loves and his coach is incredible.  The skies the limit for Tim.  Looking forward to watching his accomplishments moving forward.

Tim's Coach...

Tim's coach just got voted to be a representative for the Carolinas WSO.  That means he will be helping in any decisions regarding the Carolinas WSO events that happened.  He transitions to his new position on January 1st.  We are so excited for him.

Braces Coming off 1/3/2024....

Tim will be getting his braces off on January 3rd.  He will get his retainers the same day.  It will be a long day that day with appointments for him...LOL!  Can't wait to be able to put his final picture on this collage though when the braces are all off.  Scot only allotted for an hour to get the braces off but with them grinding the clue off and trimming his front teeth I'm expecting an hour and a half to two hour appointment for them taking off the braces and doing all that.  

Neal Family Christmas....12/16/2023

We had so much fun with the family at the Neal Family Christmas get together this past weekend.  We hated it had to be such a quick visit but we had a nor'easter coming through NC on Sunday and didn't want to be having to drive home in that mess so we drove right back home after all the festivities Saturday night.  Tim sure did rack up in the clothes department this time around.  He is finally to the stage where he loves getting clothes at Christmas now.   Here are some of the family pictures that we got.  We are missing some family members that couldn't be there this year because of another commitment.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Caffeine & Kilos...

C&K is Tim's new favorite go to coffee.  One of his Christmas gifts is a subscription to their coffee of the month each month so that he can give all their flavors a try over time.  


Tim has been making such incredible improvements in his weightlifting.  His muscle mass is something else for sure.  He has yet another new PR in Snatch and Clean and Jerk.  His coach is so impressed that one of the pics that I'm going to share with you was his reaction to seeing Tim's new PR's. 

Here is Tim's video of his new PR's in case I hadn't shared them with you yet:

Friday, December 8, 2023

Tim and His Guinea Pigs...

Tim has got his guinea pigs so spoiled.  Stampy with his wild looking hair and Dan are so cute that it's hard not to spoil them...LOL!! 

Tim's Winter/Spring Schedule...

Here is the schedule that's in place currently.  Some of the dates have a ? mark by them because those are maybe dates.  We are looking forward to 2024 with Tim doing weightlifting comps.  He loves where he is at right now and the happiest that he's ever been.  He'd live out in our shop training right now if he could...LOL!! 

Tim's "New to Him" Jerk Blocks...

Merry Christmas to Tim.  This Christmas has been filled with getting Tim up-fitted to be able to train at home when he needs to do so.  We are hoping to build him an actual weightlifting floor over Christmas break.  That will be the last piece that he will need to have in place.  

The Neal's On Neal Road....

The Neal's were on Neal Road yesterday.  That's something you don't see everyday so we had to take a picture of the sign...LOL!! 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

MTYC Recipe...

I loved these muffins when I went to MTYC.

Thanksgiving Last Week....

I know this is a week late and I meant to make a post wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving but I'm not used to Thanksgiving being at my house like it was this year.  I had a lot of prep and house cleaning to get ready for people being at my home...LOL! It left very little time to make a post but I wanted to share with you all some Thanksgiving Memes done by the gym that Tim does his weightlifting training at:

Tim's Last Accomplishment with Sparring...

Yesterday I found out that Tim ends his journey in USA TaeKwonDo Sparring as a first/last year -51kg Junior Division fighter #14 in our country.  That's a respectable place to be after all the hard work that he put in this year.  It wasn't ideally the way he wanted to end his journey doing this sport but we are happy nonetheless with his result after a hard year and such a hurtful end with his coach.  

We are so proud of all of Tim's accomplishments in his young life.  He's a very driven young man despite how he has been treated through the years in his pursuits in competition TaeKwonDo.  He gets straight A's in school.  He's advancing quickly in weightlifting.  He helps his dad out with our family business every chance he gets.  He loves spending time with our extended family every opportunity we get.  He loves gaming with his friends online in his spare time.  He is such a well rounded young man.

Way to go Tim on your last accomplishment with TaeKwonDo!  Keep up the great work in all that you are doing and all that you are pursuing in your young life.


Tim's New PR (Personal Record)...

Here's a video of Tim's new PR:

Friday, November 24, 2023

Our New Ornament...

We always buy a new ornament for the tree each Christmas.  This is this years ornament.  Tim loves it!

Monday, November 20, 2023

Pics of Tim's New 65kg Clean & Jerk PR Lift....

Tim is so eager to move forward and do more weight.  We won't let him unless he gets the go ahead from his coach to do so though.  He wants to be lifting 70kg = 154.3 pounds by the end of the week.  That means the big red bumper plates.  He's so excited that yesterday he did an unofficial PR of 66kg out in our big building.  Scot and I could see how sneaky he was trying to be though and put a stop to it...LOL! We know nothing about this sport and are learning as he's learning so getting his coaches buy in is very important before he adds more weight to his training.