Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Core Sparring Training 3.17.2022

Since I haven’t been able to attend sparring training because I need to be with mom right now Scot has taken more videos so that I can see what all T is doing and learning. Here’s Thursday Nights video of training. I forgot to share it with you then. Enjoy watching it. 

We are so thankful that T can train at Master Doug’s school, Core, when he’s home during the week so that he can have bodies to move with. 

T does privates through video calls with Master Wasiu during the week in the mornings then trains on weekends with Master Wasiu and the team when we are able to drive down there. We were going every weekend but have had to pull back because of the fuel prices. We just can’t afford to put $200 in our tanks every single weekend for a round trip down to Charlotte for training. I mean we are talking $800 a month just for fuel to go down there and then there’s our food cost. We are so thankful we’ve been able to stay with a friend or there’d be a hotel expense added to the cost too. Sometimes you just have to draw a line and say that’s too much and this was it for us. That money can pay several of our bills for a month. I just couldn’t logically get past that in my mind and be ok with spending that kind of money. So T will go down once or twice a month to train with his team for now. I’m hoping and praying that either the fuel prices go back down or our business picks up so much that we can afford the extra fuel cost to take T for training with the team. 

So just so you can get T’s schedule straight in your minds here’s what it looks like: 
Master Wasiu privates 10-Noon M-Th via video call
School for 2-3 hours M-F
Body Coach Workout for an hour M-Th 
Traditional TaeKwonDo training at BBW M, T, Th @5
Core Sparring Training w/Master Doug T & Th 6:30-8
Team Training F @ 6-9
Team Training S @ 10-2
(Team Training when we actually travel down to Charlotte)

Once he gets home in the evenings he gets to play his VR game for a couple of hours. This schedule shifts somewhat on days when we have appointments to go to or other things that need doing. But that’s basically what he does during the week. He stays crazy busy and it keeps us hopping but we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

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