Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Mom had her first PT appointment outside the house today. They'd been coming to the house and now I'm taking her to them. She had a really good PT appointment today. Her PT had her doing some laying down exercises and she did some peddling on the seated (like a chair) bike before she was done with PT today. She now has four new exercises to do😁. Progress is happening everyday. It’s never without pain of course but no pain no gain. So proud of her progress. She’s doing so good.
In waiting room before her first on-site PT visit.
T had such a great time today at the NC Team Training. They had said they were going to chose team members today but that didn’t happen. Not sure when that will happen but T had a really good day today. He fought so incredibly well. Enjoy the pics.
T with Ken and Bell T and Bell. Bell likes T☺️. She’s always flirting with him…LOL! T doesn’t really care…LOL🤣🤣🤣!
Chris getting T’s electronic hogu ready so he can fight.
Ken, T, and Danny. These are T’s buds. Group picture. T with Master Salim in first photo. Master Hama, Master Wasiu, and Master Doug with T in the second photo. Master Hama playing around with T in the third photo😊. T loves these Masters so much and has such great respect for them. A shot of T during the training session before the fights. T’s the one on the left.
T is getting ready for go time @ Core TaeKwonDo in Wake Forest for the NC Team Training and letting his friends know that he won’t be available today😊.
Today team members will be selected and jackets given. Pray that T shows well and gets picked to be on the NC Team.
He’s flexing and not even trying to…LOL! Can’t believe the muscles he’s getting and he’s seriously not trying to gain muscle. It’s just happening naturally due to all his training.. Wow 😮!
Scot got some good video of tonight’s training session. T is looking better all the time. Between training with Master Doug at Core in the evenings during the week, with Master Wasiu in private training in the mornings during the week, and with the team at WOW on some weekends T is looking much much better. So much changing is going on as T matures and grows in this sport. Enjoy the video.
We took momma out for dinner tonight. She’s doing so much better with her walking. Sometimes she gets too excited and moves faster than she should but overall she’s doing great.
She’s, however, had to deal with vertigo. She’s taking meds for it. Hoping the meds do what they need to do to get her past the vertigo.
This was taken yesterday. T is always so serious when he’s doing any TaeKwonDo training. He told us a long time ago that there’s no smiling in TaeKwonDo…LOL! He’s so happy not to be required to have to wear a mask anymore. He said, “I can breathe better now.” He loves his Daedo gear😊. #daedo #taekwondolife #growinguptoofast
T got an inbody scan done today and here are the results. It basically told us what we already knew and that is that T has lots of muscle mass. His weight is normal for his body. He has very little fat, less than 10%, on his body. His body coach asked that we do this scan so that he can tailor his workouts for his body type.
We’ve been getting so much done and it’s looking so good. We have two more huge piles of brush to burn 🔥. We did this yesterday.
Since we stayed home from training this weekend we are taking the opportunity to get stuff in our yard taking care of. We started on Wednesday and we’ve burned two huge piles already. This has been needing to be done for so long. It will help our lawn guys greatly and our yard will look so much better and not so overgrown on us. A little more gets done each year. Gaining more of our yard back a little at a time.
Since I haven’t been able to attend sparring training because I need to be with mom right now Scot has taken more videos so that I can see what all T is doing and learning. Here’s Thursday Nights video of training. I forgot to share it with you then. Enjoy watching it.
We are so thankful that T can train at Master Doug’s school, Core, when he’s home during the week so that he can have bodies to move with.
T does privates through video calls with Master Wasiu during the week in the mornings then trains on weekends with Master Wasiu and the team when we are able to drive down there. We were going every weekend but have had to pull back because of the fuel prices. We just can’t afford to put $200 in our tanks every single weekend for a round trip down to Charlotte for training. I mean we are talking $800 a month just for fuel to go down there and then there’s our food cost. We are so thankful we’ve been able to stay with a friend or there’d be a hotel expense added to the cost too. Sometimes you just have to draw a line and say that’s too much and this was it for us. That money can pay several of our bills for a month. I just couldn’t logically get past that in my mind and be ok with spending that kind of money. So T will go down once or twice a month to train with his team for now. I’m hoping and praying that either the fuel prices go back down or our business picks up so much that we can afford the extra fuel cost to take T for training with the team.
So just so you can get T’s schedule straight in your minds here’s what it looks like:
Master Wasiu privates 10-Noon M-Th via video call
School for 2-3 hours M-F
Body Coach Workout for an hour M-Th
Traditional TaeKwonDo training at BBW M, T, Th @5
Core Sparring Training w/Master Doug T & Th 6:30-8
Team Training F @ 6-9
Team Training S @ 10-2
(Team Training when we actually travel down to Charlotte)
Once he gets home in the evenings he gets to play his VR game for a couple of hours. This schedule shifts somewhat on days when we have appointments to go to or other things that need doing. But that’s basically what he does during the week. He stays crazy busy and it keeps us hopping but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
So we got a ton done ✅ in the yard today. Still lots to do this weekend. Because we knew the rain was coming and the wind was calm we burned 🔥 all the brush we cut down today. It was two piles the size of what you’ll see in the video that we burned 🔥. And I’ll share a pic of what was left when it started raining more in the video I share too. Plus a pic of me soaking wet. This is country life folks. We do tons of control burning 🔥 on our property😊. When stuff needs gotten done we get’er done ✅!!!! Now to rest now that I’ve had my shower and am ready for bed. Scot is such a trooper. He just keeps moving forward not missing a step. He was so excited to get a tree 🌳 off his big building out back today that he cut down. T was a huge help getting the wood piled up and helping where Scot and I would let him. Didn’t want our fighter hurt. He’s my strong 💪 young man. Hoping the rain holds off this weekend and we can get a bunch more done and burn some more.
#welovecountryliving #countrylivingstrong
Here’s some pics of some of what we cleared today. There’s was more done then I have pics of though because we cleared quite a bit out the back corner of our big building. I’ll try and get pics over the weekend to share with you all.
Well, the lawn guys surprised us last week when they came to mow. We weren’t expecting them that soon or actually it may have been time for them to start but we’ve just been too busted busy to realize it.
T won’t be traveling this weekend so our (Scot, T, and mine) project while we are home will be to pick up limbs. Hand mow our natural area out front and use the nippers to nip down the small stuff. Tidy up that natural area so our lawn guys can mow it.
We are also going to clean up the area around our big building. Spay the area to keep stuff from growing there. Cut down some brush at the back of the building. And hopefully by Sunday we can burn 🔥 all the piles of wood and limbs.
Here’s what the natural area and Tee Pees we’ve started look like.
Natural Area out front:
Area out back:
This is what we’ve done so far. There’s so much more to do but hoping to put a big dent into it this weekend. I haven’t had a chance to get picks from around our big building but those will be coming as we stack, clean, and burn everything.
Mom had hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. All went well. She’s a trooper. Last night she slept more than she was up even though they had her walk once last night. I left her to come home to sleep. She slept a ton last night.
Today they took out her catheter and she walked a ton more today. PT had her do a couple of stairs to see if she could do them when she comes home with me tomorrow. Here’s a pic of her walking.
We went some rounds with occupational therapy today about what she needed at home. They, at first, told us what we needed wasn’t covered with her insurance but God made a way and they brought the two things we needed into her room this evening and we have her hooked up and ready to receive at our house tomorrow.
They had to put the smallest ball and socket in her hip they had. The doc told me that she will have to be extremely careful for 8 weeks because the smaller the ball and socket the easier it is for it to pop back out. After 8 weeks her bone will be fused to the ball and socket they put in and she’ll be more stable. At that point she won’t be able to pop her hip out as easily. So she’ll more than likely be here for that time to make sure she doesn’t do anything she’s not supposed to do.
I’m sure she’s looking forward to getting to my house tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers for my mom. They have been greatly appreciated. Pray for me as I will be having to be her shadow for these next two months taking care of her.
T with Master Joseph beside him and teammate Danny beside Master Joseph. Master Joseph used to teach T when he was a blue belt at Black Belt World. He was so little back then that Master Joseph would have to kneel down real low for T to break a board…LOL! Check out a Then and Now pic I made of T with Master Joseph.
T had such a great time. He got to challenge himself with a larger older opponent and even though the opponent beat him twice it was a great learning experience for him.
T ended this last day with a little sting from a kick he took from the older opponent but he’s fine. It just kept him from fighting the rest of today. No biggie though. He did a lot of coaching since he couldn’t fight. He’s feeling fine and glad to be home to get some rest. He’s proud of how he did overall this weekend and we are too. So love the young man he’s becoming.