Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Well we got some snow last night. Didn’t stick to the roads from what we can see. Now that we’ve had our snow event Spring can come early😁. 
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Left Behind Series
With all that’s been happening in our nation we’ve taken the time to watch the Left Behind series with T. The Kirk Cameron ones. There are three movies Left Behind, Tribulation Force, and World at War. We will also be taking time as a family to read all of the books including the prequels. I’m a firm believer, as a Christ Follower, that we need to make sure our children know what lies ahead as the end times become more prevalent. The song that says, “People Get Ready, Jesus is Coming” has been ringing extremely loudly in my ears in recent days. These movies are on Prime right now. So if you have Prime you might wanna watch them before they disappear off the site altogether.

Laugh for The Day!
The Bernie memes started from this photo taken at the inauguration. 
There have been so many memes. These are just a few.

There have been so many memes. These are just a few.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
“On Earth As It Is In Heaven”
I’m currently reading On Earth As It Is In Heaven by C. Peter Wagner. If Christian’s can find a copy I highly recommend reading this book. I’m including an excerpt from the book. There are many Christians that believe that our faith is separate from what we do when it comes to politics in our votes. Christians are divided on this issue when we shouldn’t be. It’s why we are where we are today and why evil is reigning when it shouldn’t be. I urge you to read the excerpt in the picture below. It’s my prayer that we Christians will get on the same page so we can be the change that God expects us to be in our nation. 

We have to vote people into office where their policy stance most lines up with God’s Word. When we vote contrary to what lines up with the Word of God we are being hypocritical. There’s no other way to slice or dice that. It’s just the truth.
We have to vote people into office where their policy stance most lines up with God’s Word. When we vote contrary to what lines up with the Word of God we are being hypocritical. There’s no other way to slice or dice that. It’s just the truth.
God can use anyone as a vessel whether they are an actual Christ follower or not. Let’s pay more attention moving forward in making sure that the candidate’s we support that their stance(s) most line up with God’s Word and the values our country was founded on before casting our votes. Being a hypocrite is not a legacy that we want to leave behind for our loved ones. We can’t claim be Christian’s or to love God and His Word and then do things in our lives, including voting, that are contrary to our beliefs and values. Let’s make sure they line up! How else will we be able to be a true witness for Christ otherwise???
I have a family member, who is very liberal, a staunch Democrat, that once said that real Christian’s don’t vote the way I do. They knew enough about Christianity and God’s Word to know that those beliefs are separate from the way they live their life and the candidate’s that they support. Now that should be an eye opener for so many Christian’s who support candidate’s that don’t line up with God’s Word. Our country won’t see real lasting change until we put more focus on God’s Word being the deciding factor in our votes for candidates. That is as plain and simple as it gets. Voting God/The Bible = Voting for real lasting change! God kind of change!
2022 will be coming fast. Pray for God’s Candidate’s who have backbone to be voted into office. And if they claim it but don’t show it in their stance(s) once in office then we need to be sure they are voted out next round. Eventually we will get candidate’s in office that will have backbone and will make the real changes needed for our nation to get back to the values our founding father’s founded it on and values that most line up with God’s Word! Pray as never before and really pay attention to the values that candidate’s represent. Above all be sure whoever you support that their values, for the most part, line up with God’s Word. The only way we’d ever see someone in office that represents “all” godly values would be for Jesus himself to be running for office and we know that’s not going to happen. Candidate’s that represent godly values matters!
#bethechange #standfirm #holdtotruth #godlyvalues
Pic From Saturday’s Training with the Team
T sure is loving being back with the team. The energy is so great with the new team. T’s coach making this change was a really good thing. The kids are always telling one another good job. They are helping one another be better fighters. We love seeing such awesome teamwork. It’s just a better atmosphere all around. T’s working hard on getting his distance where it needs to be. Having hardly sparred for almost a year it’s been nice to see the kids getting back into the swing of things. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021
Sparring Training 1/23/2021
The good, the bad, and the ugly of sparring training this past Saturday. Learning is a hard lesson when you are in a fighting sport. Not always fun but T is making so many improvements. It may be a bit before the video is live. Here’s the link for when it’s been processed:
Friday, January 22, 2021
Growing and More Growing
This boy has done quite a bit of growing since last year this time and he’s still in a growth spurt😳🙄. 
Last Night’s Training
T’s training session ended early last night with one of his coaches so he did a video training session with his other coach. That one was a lot tougher because it was working his hip muscles in ways he’s not worked them before. He loves training but hates the soreness that comes when using muscle groups he’s not used in a while or at all. #forwardmotion #workinghard #accomplishinggoals 

Thursday, January 21, 2021
Training Video
I put together a training video from last weekend to share with you. I’m sure it is still processing on the new video site I’m using so try back later to actually watch it. I’m going to go ahead and share the link now though.
Something to know with rumble is that if you want to leave a comment you can do so just below the video. You might have to make an account in order to actually comment I’m not sure 🤔. Just wanted to encourage you to leave encouraging comments though. T is working so hard right now. He’s putting more effort in then we’ve ever seen and he’s doing it while dealing with Osgood-Schaffer’s as well.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
2019 Great Memories of a Great Year!
This memory video popped up on my phone today so I thought I’d share it with you.
T Update
Today T went in for his regular chiropractor appointment and got adjusted. Since going back to full time sparing training he’s done good with staying in adjustment but earlier today he twisted a weird way while training and popped a couple places in his left knee out. It was great that he had his adjustment today because we were able to address the misalignment quickly so he can get right back to training and not miss a beat. He’s making such strides right now and he’s hoping and praying that the team can get back to competing soon. It remains to be seen of what will and will not be allowed by our government officials though. He really misses competing.
We have T on a daily protocol for the Osgood-Schlatters in his knees and he’s doing much better because of it. We are so thankful for the right people in his life to help him deal with things as needed. We are also so thankful for those that have been willing to work with our crazy schedule to help our son be at his best. That is more appreciated than words could ever adequately express.
Dr. Bill at Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic and his staff are such an instrumental part of keeping our son where he can continue forward motion as an elite athlete. So thankful for them. I can’t say enough great things about this chiropractor and his team.
Anyhow, we are so proud of all this kiddo is accomplishing. He’s such a good kid and so driven at such a young age.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Team Training Yesterday
T’s second team training session since the plandemic (as we like to call it). He’s improving so much and now as he actually gets to spar with his team we are really seeing the difference. Click on the link and check it out a video we got of him training with one of his teammates.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Training Video from 1/9/2021
Here’s a link to a video we took last Saturday from training. T’s first day back to in person training since the lock down last March.
Because of all the censoring that is taking place we are trying a new video platform.
Update on things with Us!
T is getting back into full on sparring training. Right now that’s only happening one time a week with his team. All his other training is on Zoom.

T is also going back to his regular TaeKwonDo classes to keep up his belt requirements. There are some days he still does this online too.
Much remains to be seen with the change of power fixing to take place. We could all be going back to square one again if the new administration has their way. So we have to just wait and see what the remainder of this year will look like in regards to sparing.
AAU is having a virtual winter nationals through zoom for forms and breaking so T is going to participate in that like he did the AAU Virtual Nationals in October with doing his forms. It at least gives him an opportunity to compete even though it’s not sparring. To be a fighter he generally does pretty good in forms. He medals most of the time even though he really doesn’t like competing in forms. He’d much rather be fighting.
The Osgood-Schlatters is not hurting T as bad as it was. The laser therapy, stretching, and resting his knees have helped a great deal. He’s getting back into full on training now though so we manage the pain as best we can so he can keep moving forward with his goals.
At the beginning of the year we hit a little lull in work. We expected this. It happens every year after Christmas. We’re still having some bookings though which has been good. Things generally pick up from here but much remains to be seen with that because Biden plans to target white male owned companies which has the potential to hit us hard by him doing that but hey this is what everyone wanted right😡🤬. By most people voting for that man they voted against my husband being able to make a profitable living😡. Most people don’t see nor get how what he plans to do effects business owners, especially white male business owners. But that’s enough of that. I’m not here to talk politics but to give an update on things with us.
Back in November I contracted a parasite called Giardia. It is a parasite that can cause GI issues. Most people get it and never know they had it. I got it though and my GI system has been in a topsy turvy ever since. One of the big things is that it can take several months for me to be able to eat regularly again. I’ve had to be on a strict diet with no dairy or high fatty foods. I’ve lost 15 pounds since this happened. Not for any other reason than all the diarrhea it’s caused. Not the best way to lose weight. So everything with my digestive system is going to be a process for a while going forward.
Other than what I’ve been dealing with we have all been fine and healthy. We had a good Christmas even though it was spent at home because everyone is being extra careful because of COVID.
Even though the pandemic has been unwelcomed we have really enjoyed having the extra time as a family. We’ve also been able to tackle projects that have needed doing around the house and on our property. Life must go on though and this too shall pass.
Everyday I’m thankful that our hope is in Jesus Christ and Him alone. Even though things look dark now, because of all our country is going through, I’m just thankful God is on our side and that He will see us through. Because regardless in the end we win!!!
Monday, January 11, 2021
New Uniform!
T got two new uniforms for Christmas one of them had the print on the wrong side of the pant leg so we had to have them do another uniform for him. He got to wear it tonight for the first time😁. #taekwondo4life 
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Someone’s Getting A Stache
The boy is going through puberty at warp speed. Growing and changing all too quickly. He has grown 3” this past year and still growing like crazy. Getting hair in the down there, armpits, and now he’s starting to get a stache. So not ready for all these changes. They are happening all too fast 💨. I only noticed when he was close to me tonight but still😳. #myboyisturningintoaman😢
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
T’s Goals for 2021
As far as training:
In talking to T about his goals for this year he rattled several things he wants to work on. His top three goals are that he wants to work on canceling and following up stronger/better, he wants to work on speed and accuracy with his techniques, and he wants to work on overall strengthening his body, especially his knees.
As far as Tournaments:
T has said he wants to win Gold at the big tournaments (US Open, Pan Ams, Nationals) should they be able to have these tournaments.
Monday, January 4, 2021
AAU TaeKwonDo
Happy Monday! The New Year is a time to set GOALS! What Are Yours?! #WeAreAAUTKD #AAUTKDStrong #newyearnewgoals💯 
They have also posted about 2021 Nationals. Here is that information:

T is so excited that something is actually on the calendar for this year. It gives him something to work towards.
They have also posted about 2021 Nationals. Here is that information:
T is so excited that something is actually on the calendar for this year. It gives him something to work towards.
The coaches are so ready to kick it up to full speed ahead with training and so is T. He’s praying and hoping his knees won’t give him too much pain so he can train to be at the top of his game when competition resumes.
It also looks like US Open may happen sometime between March-May timeframe. We are so excited to see that things are getting planned again. We love watching the competitions as much as T loves competing.
We are praying for safety for all the kids who compete and their families. We are praying for health for all who will be involved. We are praying for this pandemic to come to an end so that we can go about living our lives as normal again.
So much to look forward to in 2021. So much to be thankful for coming out of 2020 too. #makeaplansticktoit #keepGodatthecenter
Saturday, January 2, 2021
NexGen Zoom Training
Today is T’s first day doing some sort of kicking since the diagnosis of the Osgood-Schlatters. He’s just going light trying to see what he can and can’t do with the pain. He’s doing better than I had expected so I’m glad about that. We keep doing the protocol his doc gave us with him. It’s not going to make it go away entirely but it will help the pain level be a lot less so he can continue to do what he loves. 
Friday, January 1, 2021
Better Late Than Never
The boys finally did their ginger bread house today. 

Of course now that it’s done T wants to eat it...LOL!
Of course now that it’s done T wants to eat it...LOL!
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