Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Timmy Neal recognized by Academy of Oriental Rugs

The Academy of Oriental Rugs is a very exclusive organization that only accepts the best cleaners.    In order for a cleaner to be considered for acceptance as an associate, they must be nominated by their peers in the industry.  A nomination means that a cleaner has exhibited expertise in leadership, the best cleaning practices and knowledge of rugs.  Then the nominee is evaluated by the senior fellows for approval and acceptance.  In 2014 Scot Neal was recognized as a fellow member of the Academy of Oriental Rugs.  In April 2015, Scot's 6 year old son Timmy was invited to address the convocation of the AOR in Pittsburgh, PA on the subject of moths and moth damage.

According to Barry O'Connell, Founding Member of the AOR, "At 7 years old, Timmy is a junior in the field of oriental rugs.  But Timmy has gained a respect in the industry for his knowledge and dedication in the area of moth eradication from oriental rugs.  Moths cause millions of dollars in damage each year.  Timmy was recognized at the Academy because even at 7 years old, he showed a better grasp of oriental rugs than many cleaners 30 or more years older."
Timmy with Barry O'Connell (founding member of the AOR).
Timmy executing a fringe repair on an oriental rug.

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