Earlier tonight Timmy flushed these items down the toilet:
I was able to retrieve the ball and one of the cups but not before two of the other cups got flushed down and lodged in the toilet. What to do? What to do? The thought of taking out the toilet wasn't an appealing one for either Scot or me. We weren't looking forward to having to do that but then Scot had an Divine Inspiration, "Go get the big truck. It really SUCKS!". As most of you know we own a carpet cleaning business and have a truck mount unit and it has quite the vacuum on it. While I was upstairs putting Timmy to bed Scot decided he'd give the vac a whirl. I'm upstairs and I hear a noise that sounds like the toilet came out of the floor but found out that it was cup number one that had come up with a thud. So he did the process again and got cup number two. Doing that was so much easier than the other alternative. PTL for a husband who thinks outside the box or the toilet in this case.