Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Timmy Chillin'
This pic was taken on Aug. 15th. We were in the kitchen doing something and when we looked to see what Timmy was doing this is what we found. He was chillin' while watching one of his shows on Noggin. It's very rare that you find him like that because he is always a little man that is on the move. If you pay close attention you will see that one of his hands is on his burp cloth while he is drinking. When at home that is how you will find him most of the time when he is drinking. He always has a burp cloth in one hand while drinking. I guess that stuck from when I use to breast feed him because I always had a burp cloth. It's so cute so see him drink and hold his burp cloth. It makes me think of Linus and his blanket from Charlie Brown.
Bathtime with Cousin Tristan
3 Generations of Neals
Rocking Horse
We were going through pics taken on the iphone recently and I realized there were some pics that we had that I wanted to post and here is one of them. It was taken on July 21st while Timmy was in his play room upstairs.
"I love rocking on my horse that my Aunt Elaine got for me."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Something new that Timmy has learned
We were at church most of the week this week because of our annual Dominion By The Word Conference. Because Scot and I ushered for the event Timmy got to spend a lot of time in the Sanctuary. We have steps that lead up to the stage and Timmy went up and down them all week. Well, yesterday he kept going over to the steps and pitching a fit to go up them and after we let him go up them we realized why he wanted on them. He not only wanted to climb up them but he wanted to walk down them too...lol. I've included a still pic and a video for everyone. Enjoy.

"I am so proud of myself!!!"
"I am so proud of myself!!!"
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Things I learned from my Popsie
I forgot about this pic. It was taken on July 28th while Nan, Popsie, and Elaine were visiting. Popsie had fun teaching Timmy how to turn the lights off and on by the switch as well as by the strings from the fan lights. Now he is always wanting us to let him do that. Those of you that know Popsie know that he is a tall man and those of you who know Scot and I know that we are challenged in that area...LOL. So needless to say Timmy has been disappointed because we can't play with him and let him pull the light strings like Popsie did. I have to say though, it was fun watching Timmy with Popsie doing that because he had so much fun and laughed and laughed while doing it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
15 months old today
It's hard to believe that this time last summer I was still a new mother who was doing her best to get used to being a mom. I was tired and worn out from the demands that come with being a breast feeding mother and was almost ready to give it up and go to the bottle. But, I knew that breast milk was best for my little guy and I wanted him to have the best so I pressed through. And now Timmy is such a big little guy. He is growing so much and gibber jabbering all the time. He is always all over the house checking things out and seeing how they work. He is a busy little boy. I'm so glad that we made the decision for me to be a stay at home mom. I would have missed out on so much had I put him in daycare and gone back to working again. And by being at home I've been able to take lots of pics for Scot to see so that he isn't missing all his important moments. Timmy loves his Daddy so much. It blesses me to see that because my dad wasn't very attentive to us kids when we were growing up. I've always said it would be different for my children than it was for me. That it would be better and it is. Timmy knows that his Mom and Dad love him very much. He is such a blessed little boy. I'm am so thankful for God blessing us with him. He is so loved.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Timmy's pool
Gates for the deck
These were taken on July 27th. Nan, Popsie, and Elaine came down for a visit and to help put some gates on our deck so that Timmy could go out on the deck and play on it without falling down the steps. Timmy has mastered going up stairs but not down them. In these pics you will see Timmy trying to help his Popsie with the gates. He loves power tools just like his Daddy and Popsie.

Maw Maw playing with Timmy and Tristan at the pool
Timmy styling his sunglasses
It's been a month....
Wow! It's been a month since I've blogged. Sorry that it's been so long since I've blogged. Summertime is a hard time to blog because so much is going on but I wanted to let everyone know that I will be blogging again soon. I have pics that I will be posting as well. So please be patient with me a little while longer and I will get some new blogs posted very soon. Talk at y'all later.
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