Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Goodbye 2024...
Last Workout of 2024....
Tim did his last workout of 2024 at Athletic Lab today. He ends the year having officially done a 177kg total for the year in the -61kg weight division in Olympic Weightlifting. His training sessions have been incredible leading into 2025. He is so looking forward to the North American Open Series 1 in Ohio at the end of February/beginning of March. It's one of the biggest Meets of the year and as a last year youth Tim is looking to make a huge splash to end his youth years in the sport. Later on in the year they will be making some slight changes to the weight divisions so it will be interesting to see where Tim and the other male youth weightlifters come out in the wash. Some of the weightlifters are already at the top end of their divisions so we'll be watching carefully to see where everyone lands.
Sunday, December 29, 2024
New Weightlifting Shoes Coming Soon...
Tim has new weightlifting shoes coming soon. He's been wanting them since they came out. We told him he'd have to pay half and he did so they are on their way and will be here by January 8th. Tim is so excited and can't wait to start using these shoes.
Tim Graduating in 2026!!!
Stella's Window Bed....
Gym Life...
The last day the gym was open before Christmas Tim was the lone athlete left in the gym. As he and his coach were leaving he raced to get out the door ahead of him so that he wasn't technically the last one out of the gym...LOL! It was so funny that I had to get a shot of the moment.
Tim and Coach Jarrod |
Stella Bella....
We've had Stella for several weeks now and she's settled in quite nicely and is getting along with Tucker so well. She loves her window bed by my desk and will lay there for hours while I work at my computer. She loves her humans and is so lovable. She loves to get between me and the keyboard and the mouse to keep me from working but I gently put her back on her window bed over and over again...LOL! She stays there until Tim is awake then she follows him everywhere he goes. In the evening she goes back and forth between me and Scot laying on us while we watch tv. Here's some new pictures for you to enjoy.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Our Annual Christmas Picture...
Happy Birthday Jesus!
The Rest of Tim's Christmas....
Aside from Tim's computer upgrades we bought him another Virus Performance outfit and some new headphones to go with his computer upgrades + the usual stocking stuffer candies and steam gift card.
Monday, December 23, 2024
My Assistant This Morning....
Tim's Christmas...
In Kentucky Tim received several lounge pants, three sets of Virus Performance clothes, steam gift cards (IYKYK), and $. He was so happy. He especially loved the lounge pants and Virus clothes.
While here at home we upgraded Tim's computer. We had to give him that gift early so that we could have the tech guys put it together for him while we were in Kentucky. We got it back here last night and he has been having so much fun with it. We shouldn't have to do anything with that system for 3-5 years. At least that's what the tech guys told us.
Christmas in Kentucky...
Christmas with the Neal family was little different this year because our Patriarch is with Jesus. He went home to Jesus in May but at this time of year you feel the loss all over again. It was Pop's favorite time of year getting to see all the little ones open their gifts. This year we all brought gift for Nan too. We wanted to bless her extra special this year. Her memory isn't what it used to be so even a part of her is missing from the family gatherings but we do our best to keep her busy and a part of everything. So thankful that we still have our Matriarch with us but none of are certain for how long so we make the most of every moment that we get with her. The kids were so blessed this year for Christmas. My favorite part of Christmas is getting to see the kids open their gifts. I didn't get pics of them opening their gifts this year but I got pics in front of Aunt Elaines Christmas tree. Here are the pictures:
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Yesterday at Weightlifting Training...
Yesterday at weightlifting training Tim did 100kg Clean Complexes 5 times. That's huge for him. It's heavy week this week and Tim has naturally been pushing himself. His coach is trying to find his ceiling again and Tim's not hit it yet. He's been getting so much stronger in training and we are so proud of all that he's been able to do in this sport in the short time that he's been doing it. 2025 should be a bang up year for him. It will be so cool to see him end his youth years in this sport on the top of his game. He loves this sport so much and he loves training at Athletic Lab.
Christmas Came Early for Tim...
We usually wait until Christmas morning to let Tim open gifts but some had to be opened yesterday because we have an appointment for drop off today to have some upgrades installed on his gaming pc that way when we get back from Kentucky he will be able to enjoy it over his Christmas break with his friends. Of course we will be taking his other parts and putting together another computer for me because my iMac is 12 years old and it is starting to give us issues again and this time we won't be repairing it because it's so old. So there's that. Here's two pics. One of Tim beginning to open his gifts and the other is of his Christmas haul. He's so excited to be getting this.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Happy Pawlidays....
Stella and Tucker just wanna say,
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season....
Beautiful Sunset Yesterday....
On the way to take Tim to the gym to train yesterday we saw this beautiful sunset.
Monday, December 16, 2024
9 Years Ago and Now....
Tim's Favorite Place To Be...
Tim would rather be here than anywhere:
That's the weightlifting floors at Athletic Lab (Click on Athletic Lab). It's Tim's favorite place on earth to be. With Christmas and New Year fast approaching there are several days they won't be open and he's already disappointed about it😔. I can't wait until the day we can build him a climate controlled weight room that he can do all his workouts in on our property. He will still want to go to the gym but it will give him an alternative for when they are closed or his schedule is too busy for him to get to the gym. Having options is a good thing. This is a need for this kid for sure. It's our hope and prayer that we will be able to start building a house with a climate controlled weight room attached to it on our other piece of property by the time he turns 18. God's word tells us to set up an inheritance not only for our kids but for generations to come and that is our hearts desire for Tim and any other Neal's that come after him. We are looking to the future while being thankful for all that we have learned along the way. God is so good!!!
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Random Pics of Stella....
The first picture is a Christmas pic of Stella with Tim in front of the Christmas tree and the other is just a random pic of her.
Friday, December 13, 2024
My Desk Is No Longer Mine....
Stella has taken over the space where my keyboard and mouse go because the sun is currently shining there...LOL!! I'm sure this will be ongoing thing because she loves being near her humans and she goes back and forth between me at my desk and Tim at his...LOL! Plus she loves the sun!