Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Monday, August 30, 2021
Dining Looking More Like A Grocery Store
We put up two shelving units this weekend and they are getting pretty well stocked. Unfortunately they are in our dining room. It’s the only place we had to put them. We are stocking up on staples and paper products just incase our governor gets a crazy hair and shuts things down again. We’ve also been stocking up on meat as well. Gotta do what you gotta do when you don’t know how things will go this fall/winter. Wanna make sure we have plenty to get us through, if need be, to the spring/summer months. Plus we’ve been couponing more and buying up stuff on sale too😁. 

Last Weeks 1st Week of School
T had a great start to the school year last week. He got all his work done in a timely manner and got A’s on everything. He’s still continuing with that trend and even got an early start on Sunday evening to his school week this week. So proud of this kid getting after it this school year. 
Friday, August 27, 2021
National Dog Day 2021 was yesterday:
Just wanted to post this even though it’s a day late. We love our Tucker Boy. He sure loves his toy duckie😁.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Learning to Golf
T will be learning to golf this fall with our homeschool group. It’s one of his elective courses this school year. His dad got him a driving net. Didn’t realize how huge it would be…LOL! I had him pose for a picture tonight so I could share it with you. 
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
T’s Lump in His Arm
T has a lump in his arm that happened at the hospital that has been causing him lots of pain. Not sure if you will really be able to make it out from this picture. 
The doctor told us it’s:
The doctor told us it’s:
A condition in which a blood clot in a vein causes inflammation and pain.
Thrombophlebitis usually occurs in surface-layer veins located in areas with poor blood flow. In rare cases, the clot could indicate risk for a more serious condition called deep venous thrombosis.
More than 200,000 US cases per year
Treatable by a medical professional
Requires a medical diagnosis
Lab tests or imaging often required
Short-term: resolves within days to weeks
Treatment consists of self care
Treatment may include elevating the affected site, cold or warm compresses, and anti-inflammatory medications to ease pain. In rare cases, antibiotics may be needed.
It has gotten more noticeable and some bigger. It’s a very painful condition. We will be making a call back to the doctor about it because he’s in so much pain and see if anything more can be done to help resolve it quicker. Don’t know if they’ll be able to do much though. They told me it has to work itself out but I just hate that he’s in so much pain😢. I’ll keep you posted as I know more and can share more if there is anything to share.
Monday, August 23, 2021
1st Day of 7th Grade
1st Day of 7th Grade Homeschool Pic. T actually got a jump start on his schoolwork last night but today is his official first day of school. This summer was the first time we’ve done an actual summer break instead of doing year round schooling. He enjoyed the break so much that he wants to stay on top of his schoolwork this year so he can continue to have summer breaks from now on. We are easing back in though because that’s what the docs have asked us to do after his hospitalization due to the seizure situation from his sodium deficiency. We feel he’s pretty much back to normal but don’t wanna take any chances so we obey what the docs have said to do. 

Saturday, August 21, 2021
Friday, August 20, 2021
Cary High Marching Band
It was the end of Marching Band Camp for my Nephew, Tristan, tonight at Cary High and they had a small show for the families of the students. It was great. At the end the seniors took shaving cream and you’ll see in the videos how they ended camp…LOL! Wish I had remembered to bring my good camera but the cell pics/video will have to do. 

Monday, August 16, 2021
Happy Birthday Popsie!
Since we can’t be with you today to celebrate with you we made you this video. Happy Birthday 🎉🎈🎂🎊!!!
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Update and More
So today T was cleared by his eye doctor from the injury he got while in PICU. He had gotten some of the paste from an EEG they did in his eye during one of his combative moments and it gave him a chemical burn. Today they said it was completely healed🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼!
We also have been dealing with an issue with a lump in his arm that also happened at the hospital. Over the past couple of days it turned into two lumps so we had his MD check him out. She asked T some questions and she knew immediately the condition he had and how he got it and said it would heal but it could take a month for it to heal completely. It happened from an IV he had in his left hand that they tried to give him meds through that was sluggish. When they tried to put meds through it it burned T really bad. That caused the condition he’s dealing with. The lumps are because the vein got burned by the meds and it’s now trying to heal from it. She told me the medical term for it but it’s something I can’t spell or pronounce…LOL! The reason she knew with such certainty exactly what it was is because she’s had it happen to herself before. She said, “It’s very painful.” I knew that already because all T has done is complain about it since he came home. Nothing can be done for it. It eventually fixes itself and until then he can take ibuprofen for the pain. Yet again, God put the right doctor in the right place to know exactly what was going on with our son. Praise God!
Through it all this kid has been a trooper. I’m just so very thankful for the happy ending to all that he went through.
And tonight I saw several posts from friends about another family who was dealing with a medical situation with their young son who lost him. My heart and prayers go out to this family. I don’t know them personally but my heart goes out to them. May God give them uncommon strength and comfort in the days, weeks, and months ahead as they deal with this loss.
It’s not easy losing someone we love even when we know that they are in heaven with Jesus. Even though we know we will see them again one day. We still mourn because we miss them in the here and now. We especially mourn when it’s a kid becasue we never had a chance to see them grow up and have a life and family of their own. We mourn for the missed moments that never got to happen. We take comfort in knowing they are with Jesus though. In all the pain of loss we have a comfort that passes all understanding. May that comfort envelope this family!
Almost two weeks ago we could’ve lost T but we didn’t. We prayed for him and had prayer warriors praying for him as well. All I can say is, “But God…!” God knows our beginning and our end. He knows every hair on our head. He knows the number of days we will be on this earth. I trust His timing in every area of my life and I’m ever so thankful for all the moments I get to have with those I love. I’m always cherishing the moments! I pray you all do the same. Don’t let a day go by where you are not cherishing the time you have with your family and friends. We never know when our last moment with them will be.
#alwayscherishthemoments #alwaysbethankful #alwayslivelaughandlove
Took this of T and me a day or so after his release from the hospital.
They were having a stare down while playing cards…LOL! They keep me laughing that’s for sure.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Jeep Rubicon XL Lego Build
T built this today. It’s the Jeep Rubicon XL. It’s actually his dad’s build but T wanted something to do so his dad let him build it. The boy is so totally bored but he’s got to follow doctors orders and not do anything to overstimulate his brain or cause any extra pressure. Easy and steady for now but for someone who is used to working out everyday that’s so hard to do. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021
Sodium Level
We just got word that T’s sodium level is 144. The normal level is between 135-145. We were so excited to get this news today. He is well within normal levels now. Praise the Lord! He was so excited he had to FaceTime his Nan and Pop and let them know. 
One Week Home from Hospital
One week home from the hospital and T is more like his old self. His eye is looking really good. I’ve got to make an appointment with the eye doctor this week. His left arm is hurting him and it has a small bulge so we will get that checked out this week too. Wanna make sure he didn’t injure it during all the times he was combative and having to be held down. One things for certain he’s a fighter whether he’s awake or lethargic…LOL! He still has several weeks before he’ll be aloud to go back to training. With the brain trauma they wanna make sure it is healed completely before he reintroduces training and fighting back in. We even have to ease him into school because they don’t want to over stress his brain at all. That’s all I have for now though. He’s looking so good. 
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