Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Monday, March 22, 2021
New TaeKwonDo Shoes
These are T’s favorites to wear. He didn’t tell us his other ones were too small and just kept wearing them🤦🏻♀️. The ones on the left are the new ones and the ones on the right are the old ones. Quite a bit of a difference and he won’t be in the new ones for very long because he’s got very little growing room and I’ll be having to get the next size up...LOL! 
Yard Work and Burning Tree Limbs
Usually we try to actually rest on our only day off out of the week but we had to get the yard ready for the mowing company coming tomorrow to start their seasonal mowing that they do for us weekly/bi-weekly depending on how much the grass has grown. It was a lot of hard work getting things picked up and done so they can come and cut but I’m so glad we were able to get it all done and prepped. #neveradullmoment
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Team Training Today
Good team training day today. A lot has been learned and addressed and T is continuing to move forward. There’s never a dull moment. One of the highlights was that T was able to pick up his team jacket today. He’s so excited to have it. 

He also was able to pull off a sparring combination today that we haven’t seen him do before and we were very happy to see him being able to do it. The picture below was the end result of the kicking combination he did.
It’s not about winning when you are training with your team. It’s about learning to do sparring combinations and doing them well. Here’s the video clip link of it: https://rumble.com/vev4ld-ts-sparring-combination.html
He also was able to pull off a sparring combination today that we haven’t seen him do before and we were very happy to see him being able to do it. The picture below was the end result of the kicking combination he did.
It’s not about winning when you are training with your team. It’s about learning to do sparring combinations and doing them well. Here’s the video clip link of it: https://rumble.com/vev4ld-ts-sparring-combination.html
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Monday, March 15, 2021
Gift from a Client Last Week
One of our repeat clients up and gave us this collectible lego build last week. They knew we were a family that was into lego builds. You can’t get this build anymore. We are so excited to have it. 
New Workspace for T
This is T’s new school workspace. Two monitors. The big one to read all his work on and the laptop screen to answer his questions on. He’s so excited to be able to do this so he doesn’t have to keep flip flopping back to the reading assignment when looking for answers to questions. #stayingmotivated #gettingschoolworkdone 
Sunday, March 14, 2021
WOW Kick-A-Thon 3/13/2021
A great day was had by all the kids doing the kick a thon. T did 376 kicks in 5 minutes. He did such a great job. I’m looking forward to hearing what the final total of monies raised will be. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
T and His Buddy Chris Running
T and Chris have been running and training hard everyday. He’s really excited to be at Mrs Donna’s training with her son, Chris and his coach, Master Wasiu. This has been a pivotal week for him so far and it’s only halfway over. 
Scot and I, however, have been working on things around the house that need attention and the house is getting organized and straightened up like it hasn’t been in a very long time. It’s coming together nicely and we’ve been able to get a ton done. Now if only I can get T to be better about staying organized and keeping things looking this way that will be an amazing accomplishment but let’s face it he’s fixing to officially be a teen and the typical teen signs are all there. Yeah for us....NOT!
Scot and I, however, have been working on things around the house that need attention and the house is getting organized and straightened up like it hasn’t been in a very long time. It’s coming together nicely and we’ve been able to get a ton done. Now if only I can get T to be better about staying organized and keeping things looking this way that will be an amazing accomplishment but let’s face it he’s fixing to officially be a teen and the typical teen signs are all there. Yeah for us....NOT!
T Taught Class at WOW TaeKwonDo
T got to help teach regular class for the little kids last night at WOW TaeKwonDo where he does his sparring training with his coach. He is having a good week. It’s a spring board week to get him moving in the right direction with his training so that he’ll be ready for his first tournament in over a year on April 10th in Florida. 
Monday, March 8, 2021
Training Week w/o Momma
This is the first time since T was born that I’ve been without him for an entire week. He’s having his Spring Break this week and he’s at a friends house training with him and his coach for the week. T is getting ready for the April 10th tournament in Florida. This pic was sent to me of the boys out running. 
T is getting after it this week and is looking forward to having time with his coach to work on things.
T is getting after it this week and is looking forward to having time with his coach to work on things.
Our kid is such a busy kid. First the two day Instructor
Academy from 8:30am to 5:30pm each day on Saturday and Sunday and now an entire week of intense training with his buddy, Chris, and his coach, Master Wasiu. This kid doesn’t have much down time in his life. Always focused and always pushing toward his goals.
Academy from 8:30am to 5:30pm each day on Saturday and Sunday and now an entire week of intense training with his buddy, Chris, and his coach, Master Wasiu. This kid doesn’t have much down time in his life. Always focused and always pushing toward his goals.
I’m taking advantage of his time away from home to go through all his clothes and stuff and oraganize and get rid of what doesn’t fit him anymore along with organizing the entire house. I’m hoping once things are organized I’ll have time to clean before we head back down on Friday for the Kick-A-Thon they are doing to raise funds for new equipment.
Praying he learns a lot and makes great strides this week while he trains.
2/27/2021 In House Tournament at WOW TaeKwonDo
I realized I forgot to post about this event. T is learning a lot and getting prepared to fight (April 10th) in only his third sparring event since becoming a cadet fighter in 2020. We can thank the China Virus for that. Here are some pics of the In House Tournament from 2/27/2021. 

T being coached by Master Flemming.

T is learning to keep his opponents from scoring on the hogu.

T being coached by Master Flemming.
T is learning to keep his opponents from scoring on the hogu.
Instructor Academy 2021 - T is now a BuJoGyo
T had the privilege of being invited to attend Black Belt World’s Instructor Academy this past weekend. You usually have to be 13 to attend. They’ve been after him to attend for a long while now. The timing was just right for him to finally attend. He learned a lot and talked our ears off about all he learned for when he owns his own dojang someday. T is so proud of this accomplishment and we are so proud of all he’s doing in TaeKwonDo. Now T is officially a BuJoGyo. After the next time he takes the class and is officially 13 his instructor name will change but for now that is what his instructor name is. 

T’s front row in the red mask.

While GMaster (short for Grand Master) Lee did most of the teaching GMaster Vincent (pictured here) came during the instructor academy and taught some as well. T loves GMaster Vincent.

T with GMaster Lee. He so loves anytime he can be taught by this amazing GMaster. T admires him so much.
T with his certificate. He now has certification as an instructor.
T’s front row in the red mask.
While GMaster (short for Grand Master) Lee did most of the teaching GMaster Vincent (pictured here) came during the instructor academy and taught some as well. T loves GMaster Vincent.
T with GMaster Lee. He so loves anytime he can be taught by this amazing GMaster. T admires him so much.
T has informed us he wants to take the instructor academy every time they have it so he can learn even more. He’s being a forward thinker and really thinking about his future and his own dojang. The kid is growing up and becoming a man way sooner than this momma is prepared for...LOL!
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