Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dirt Bike Fun This Evening!!

So today we did a day trip to Charlotte for team training and as soon as we got back home T had to get on his dirt bike and ride.  After learning how to shift the four wheeler at his Uncle Jeff's last weekend he now can shift his dirt bike like no bodies business.  He's more comfortable on it now that he's bigger and fits it better.  And he's gotten more brave on it which makes his momma very nervous....LOL!  He stopped momentarily for some powerade zero and went back out and kept going on it.  Before the weekends out I'm sure he will put some big time hours in on it.  He's not rode it in so long.  He's really happy to be on it again.  Hey he trains a ton and the kid needs to have some down time and fun every now and then.  I however had to step back into the house because I was getting ate up by "skeeters", as my grandmother always called them...LOL!!  I did however get some pictures and video.  The pictures I will post now but the video has to have editing so it will get posted later.  Enjoy!

Friday, August 30, 2019

1st Week of School is in The Books

The 1st week of school has went by fast.  It's been a week of adjusting to getting back into the full swing of things.  T is working hard to get ahead in subjects so when fighting season starts up heavy, from January to July (when Nationals happens), that we won't get behind in school but stay on task and maybe even hopefully stay ahead.  At least that is our goal anyhow.  

This week T got to do several science experiments with his microscope.  He got to look at skin cells, a piece of onion, and pond water.  The pond water had stuff moving in it that totally grossed T out.  We asked him if he wanted to go swim in a pond now and his facial reaction was so funny because he gave a look like aint no way I'm swimming in pond water...LOL!

He's working on finishing his school work in a timely manner.  He's improving on that big time.  Because he's had such a good week we are going to go get an inner tube for his dirt bike so that he can ride it over the holiday weekend.  He's so excited about being able to ride again.  It's been a while since he's been able to do that.

T has a lot on his plate with school, Black Belt World Black Belt Testing Cycle for his 3rd Dan, sparring training with his coach and team,  and traveling for tournaments.  Being this busy doesn't stop him though.  He keeps pushing forward, striving to do his best in all of it.  He does quite well at getting it all done and staying on top of it all which we are very proud of him for doing.  I don't know many kids who have goals that they are going after like he is and continuing to move forward and not fall behind in anything he's doing.  I love how he's growing and maturing and becoming the young man that God desires of him to be.

Life is never boring with our boy!  So thankful that God entrusted him to us and I pray every day that how we are raising him up will be honoring in the sight of God.  I pray that he will be like David and be a man after God's own heart!  That he will walk in a manner that is worthy!  That his life will be a testimony of how awesome and great our God is!  That his life will be an example for others to follow!  Nothing he accomplishes in all he is doing will mean anything if God isn't the central focus of his life!  We are so proud of all he's doing but more than that our pride for our son will overflow as his life unfolds with God at the helm of all that he does.

Just wanted to give you a first week update.  Stay blessed!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Science Log #2

Day before yesterday it was skin cells. Today is was a piece of an onion and pond water. We tried water from the pond close to our home but it has too much moving water and there were no moving cells in it when we looked at it under the microscope so we had to go to another pond a couple of minutes away. It had lots of moving cells in it. When T saw what was moving in the water I asked him, “Now don’t that make you wanna go swimming in a pond?” And he gave me the look you see in the second pic...LOL🤣🤣🤣!!!

Monday, August 26, 2019

New Homeschool Year Has Begun

We got a good start today with the new school year. We are trying to get a jump on things and hoping to get ahead big time by the time January rolls around and we go into high gear with sparring tournaments and traveling. Here are a couple of pics I took today as we got going on school work.

He looked at skin cells in the microscope!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Dad and Kids 4Wheeler Fun!

The Dads and Kids had tons of fun on the “Motors” as T used to call them when he was younger. I even got video of footage of T driving the 4Wheeler himself. He wanted to drive without his dad on with him but I was like, “Not Bloody Likely!”  The kid has a need for thrills and speed but gets it honest from his Dad. 

Popsie’s 84th Birthday 2019!!!

Here’s some collages of our time with the family today. So many have already had to head back to their homes. We are hanging with the rest enjoying our time with them before we have to head back home tomorrow. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

T’s Creative 5 Knife Self Defense Practice Session 8/22/2019

Last night T practiced all of his knife self defenses with Madison. She’s such a good sport to be doing these with T. She really enjoys his energy and how much he loves TaeKwonDo like she does. In this video are all five of what he’s doing. Somewhere amping then Master Amy wants him to add his flip in them. I’m sure he and Madison will figure it out before pretest day September 6th. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Atlanta Open In The Books!

T got to fight a Cadet exhibition match today and won 18-3. So proud of all he’s doing. Wish he’d gotten to fight more but at least he got to fight a Cadet today. So proud of the team as a whole. They all did really good. 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Training This Week

Here’s a video of some of the training T did this week with his coach. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bruise Heel

T bruised his heel yesterday while training. He babied it from yesterday until this afternoon because it hurt so bad. But then at his afternoon training session today something in his foot popped and it began to feel better. Woohoo!!!

Seeing his injury though made me think of Gen. 3:15,  “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”  Has nothing to do with anything other than I just thought of this bible verse when he got hurt.  Funny how when things happen it will trigger a thought/memory of something else. 

Poomsae with GMaster Wu 8/10/2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

Training Week

T is getting ready for the Atlanta Open this weekend with his team. Training is more intense these days as his coach is trying to get T ready for his first year as a cadet starting in January. Lots of preparation going on. We are doing our best to work with his coach to get him to his best potential for his first Cadet year. Lots of mental training is happening too. You can have all the moves and techniques but if your mind isn’t where it needs to be for fighting then your matches are going to be even more difficult. It’s being stressed big time right now from us and his coach for him to work/train very hard so that he is ready for what’s coming when he ages up to his new division in January. It’s natural for there to be a little nervousness but the goal is to help him be less nervous and more ready for his new division. I know he’s going to be learning a ton this next year. It is my hope and prayer that what he learns helps him to be the best TaeKwonDo fighter that he can be. He’s such a talented kid. I don’t want to see that talent go to waste. I’m praying that in the weeks and months ahead that he really pushes himself harder than he ever has so that he can fight the best he ever has. TaeKwonDo has changed the direction we thought our lives were going. We may have our plans but God has His own plans that override ours. I’ll try to get some pictures tomorrow. I’ve been paying such close attention to all that he’s learning that I haven’t taken hardly any pictures. 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Pics from the Poomsae Seminar Yesterday

It was a long full day of training yesterday at Carolina Kicks. T loves every chance we get to have back down here Training.  T loved getting to spend some time with GMaster Wu learning how to be even sharper with his forms.