Welcome to our blog page. This is to keep you updated on how God is blessing us. It's also to have one spot where our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives. Most of the posts are of our son. Outside our relationship with God he is our world. Enjoy!
Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Stella (Kitty), Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)
Sunday, March 31, 2019
T’s 2nd Love
Besides fighting T loves riding his dirt bike. Unfortunately he didn’t get the chance he wanted today to ride because we need to get a new tire for his bike and that won’t happen until tomorrow. 
Washington DC
The team ended the day by going to DC for a visit. I don’t know where the kids get their energy. They were still going strong when we got back on the Metro to go to our cars at the end of the day...LOL! 
We got to see the Cherry Blossoms.

We got to see the Cherry Blossoms.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Color Guard at AAU Maryland
They started off the day right with the color guard coming in with the flags.

AAU Maryland Qualifier 2019
T took Silver today. Fought good. If the match had of been scored right T would have won. Every challenge T’s coach did was shot down but upon reviewing the video T got every shot the coach challenged. So proud of our kid. Also, They honored GMaster Cann with a moment of Silence and the poster in the pics below. Love the picture they chose of GMaster Cann. It’s one that I took of her last summer before her cancer diagnosis. #gonebutneverforgtten #alwaysremember #proudparents

Friday, March 29, 2019
Pics from USAT NC last weekend
Sorry for the lateness of this post. I finally got around to looking at the pics from last week. Landon and T are going to be a good challenge for one another in the years to come as they grow in this sport together. T is in the Blue gear. Here are some pics:

USAT SC is On!!!
We found out on our way to Maryland today that USAT SC is now on. It’s going to be on May 4th. Woohoo!!! We are so glad we took the gamble and decided not to go to USAT PA and put the funds towards training and now with USAT SC being close to home that will be a much easier trip. We are all so excited!!!
Arrived in Maryland
Checked into hotel and they are renovating and we got a newly renovated room. Very nice. Now to chill until weigh in time. T is weighing 62.6 pounds and has to weigh -63.9 pounds. He’s on weight and looking forward to dinner after weigh in...LOL! 
Weigh In Day
Just now getting to sleep. Long evening. I have such a great husband who deals with everything in stride. We head out tomorrow bound for Maryland this time. We are meeting the Carolina Kicks Sparring Team up there. Fight Day is Saturday. First time to this tourney. It’s AAU Maryland Qualifier. Looking forward to seeing how T and his teammates do at this tourney. And I’m looking forward to seeing what T learns as well. There are always learning moments. Stay blessed and stay tuned. We’ll post results as we have them to post on Saturday.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Update on Tourney’s from here to Nationals
We have decided to forego the USAT PA Tourney. 1) Because we can put the cost of it into training with his coach to get him more prepared for Nationals and Nationals gives more points depending on how well the athlete does. 2) Because T would only carry over at most 30 points into his Cadet year next year and it’s really not worth the time to drive there and the finances for just 30 points. 3) Also because the reality that he may only spend next year in Fin because he’s a growing boy and once he changes weight brackets he looses all the points he’s worked so hard for anyhow and he starts over fresh with points in a new weight bracket.
We had to weigh out everything and at the end of the day it’s just not worth it to make that PA trip. We will still be doing USAT VA and Spar Wars though. With us putting the finances into his training he’ll get two weeks in May of private training and then two weeks of sparring training camp with his team in June. That’s more beneficial in getting him ready for Nationals.
Pics from the Tourney on Saturday
Here are some pre fight pics of T from Saturday during their warm ups. 

It was a very long day. Always is when we go to USAT NC.
It was a very long day. Always is when we go to USAT NC.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Training today with Tucker
T is training today. A four hour training session and we brought Tucker with us. He’s being such a good boy and really enjoying riding and being outside. 

Saturday, March 23, 2019
USAT NC 2019 Gold Medalist
T fought today and won Gold at USAT NC. It was held two minutes from our home. It was nice to attend a tournament that was close to home for a change. Here’s some pictures:

Dre and T

Greg, Dre, T, Chris, and Master Wasiu

Chris and T

Master Amy was refereeing and got to get a pic with T.

Dre and T
Greg, Dre, T, Chris, and Master Wasiu
Chris and T
Master Amy was refereeing and got to get a pic with T.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Weigh In for USAT NC
T weighed in and made weight for USAT NC. This boy was weighing 63.6 pounds and he has to weigh under 66 pounds for USAT. He’s doing great with eating and drinking healthy to stay in his division. He gets to eat and grow after Nationals in July provided he doesn’t do Presidents Cup in October in Oregon and Las Vegas Open In November. So much remains to be seen when you are playing the points game with USAT. Learning so much and at the same time being frustrated trying to learn it all...LOL! On a better note though we have been able to make some head way with his schooling to keep it caught up this past week. It’s a lot of work keeping it all balanced. So glad we homeschool or T wouldn’t be able to do all that he does with TaeKwonDo. Have a great night everyone and there will be an update after the tourney tomorrow.
Friday, Better Known as Weigh In Day at our house!
Happy Weigh In Day! It’s better known as Friday to common folk...LOL! T fights tomorrow at the USAT NC Tournament. It’s like literally a 2 minute car ride from our house. Thank God for small breaks from all the traveling! T’s been beating up on Bob a ton this week getting ready for this tournament. Hoping to win another Gold medal. He may be fighting the kid he fought last week in GA but first that kid and another kid will fight. T gets a by, because he’s ranked, and will fight the winner.

Next week we head to Maryland for an AAU tournament. We are going to that one to get more fight time. If he wins great but this one will mainly be for the ring time and to get to know some of the other fighters in his division that he may be facing at Nationals.
Bob’s looking rough:
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Another Video from BBW Sparring Class
T is only in the video up to the 9 minute or so mark but this video shows just how much he’s improved since being with an actual sparring coach and team. Master Nelson took this video.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
USAT Georgia 2019
So we have stayed to watch the remainder of the fights. It’s been educational and we are learning a lot while we watch. Plus we got to watch some fights of fighters we are following. It’s been an all around fun day here in Georgia.
Pictures with the Team and Coaches
T with Coach Dre
T with Coach Dre and Master Wasiu
T hugging Chris
Chris was so proud of T
Chris and T with their Gold medals
Both Coaches and the boys.
Some of the team who were here for support with the boys.
Master Wasiu and T
T with his T-Shirt and medal. He’s so proud.
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