Today Timmy's Preschool did a trip to Vollmer Farms. Maw Maw and Tristan were able to come too. Everyone had such a great time and I got pics. Check them out:

Timmy with his classmates and his teacher, Mrs. Sharon.

Tractor Ride (aka hay ride but there is no hay)

Chickens! Timmy can see these anytime because our next door neighbors have some. Tristan was checking out the Rooster that came out of the coup when we showed up.

Rooster came out strutting when we showed up to let us know who is the boss...

Timmy is talking back to the chickens here but not sure what he was saying...

Piglets! Baby pigs. They were so cute.

This is a big pumpkin filled with air that they can jump on. The boys really loved this.

Look at Timmy jump.
Woohoo, Go Timmy!

Timmy running towards the corn maze.

The boys picking out their pumpkins to take home and decorate at the end of the day. They were tired boys. What a great day!