At the NC State Fair today a fun time was had by all. We went with Maw Maw, Gina, and Tristan. Tristan and Timmy had lots of fun riding the rides. Timmy enjoyed looking at the animals too. Unfortunately I was unable to get a pic of them enjoying the animals but we got all kinds of pics of them enjoying the rides. I only wish that I had got a shot of Timmy when it was time to get off the rides. He certainly didn't like it when the rides ended. He wanted to stay on and continue riding. Needless to say that he is going to be just like his Mom and Dad and love riding rides. He especially loved the ones that went fast (fast for kids anyways). The boys were worn out by the time we got them home. They both took good naps. It was so much fun watching Timmy having fun at the NC State Fair. It was his first time getting to ride the rides and they were a huge hit! What a blessing it is to see our son blessed! Enjoy the pics below.

"I love my cousin. We are pals."

"The Merry-Go-Round is so much fun."

"The horse's go up and down on the Merry-Go-Round. How cool is that!"

"This ride was one of my favorites. Dad and I went on this ride several times."

"This is a cool ride. The wheel in the middle moves and spins us in circles."

"Oh Wow, this is so cool."

"Something with a steering wheel.

"Let's go already."

"What does this button over here do?"