Family Pic 2024

Family Pic 2024
Scot, Lisa, Tim, Tucker(dog), Stampy(wild hair guinea pig) & Dan(guinea pig)

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Then (2017) & Now...


This shows just how much Tim has changed from 2017 to now.  So much change in a 7 year span.  7 years ago Tim did his first big TKD tournament, Kukkiwon Cup, and won 3 gold medals (1 for forms, 1 for breaking & 1 for sparring) and the grand champion cup.  His tag team also brought home the trophy for that event as well.  It was a banner day for Tim that day that jump started him wanting to really get into the competition side and TKD.  He appreciates all that he learned on his TKD journey and will never forget those that poured into him for all those years that he did that sport.

Fast forward to now and Tim is coming to the end of his first whole year in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting and loves it.  He came in 4th at Nationals and that is so huge seeing as he wasn't a complete year into the sport when he competed at it.  He recently did States and brought home 3 gold medals for the 61kg weight division (1 for men's Youth, 1 for men's Juniors because he qualified with his total & 1 for men's open because he qualified with his total) + he was given a Best Youth Male Lifter plaque. He really cleaned up at States this year.  His total got him into the 1st Wave for registering for the North American Open which is a huge event.  

All this to basically show you that he is looking more like a man now and has all the manly muscle bulges to go along with it...LOL!  He has a more grizzled jaw line now as he is growing into a man.  It's a sad/happy mix of emotions for me that my boy is growing up but we've raised him right and trust God for his future because that's really all we can do as parents.  Our kids are on loan to us from God until they're grown and we are to help grow them up in God so that they will be good additions to our society.  Tim will most definitely be that.  He's such a good young man with a good strong mind.  We are excited for all that God has got in store for our boy in the future.  

A New Exercise...

Tim did his first use of the rowing machine at the gym yesterday.  He was feeling it afterwards but as always he knew if he was feeling it then he knew he was making more gains in his body and getting stronger.  He loves going to the gym so much.  He really would live there if he could.  He's learned so much about his body and his health since changing over to weightlifting.  It's not just about doing Olympic Weightlifting but it's about your whole body being strong.  He really gets that and because he gets that he loves what he's doing even more than ever before.  Here's a picture of him doing rows with some of his teammates.

God Bless The U.S.A.!!!


I prayed for this election as so many did. I make no bones about the fact that I will ALWAYS vote for the candidate that most closely holds to the Bible & that candidate was not Kamala Harris. If I had been on the fence about who to vote for this election, which I was not, when KH denounced my Lord before men, at a rally that went viral on social media, my Bible tells me, “Jesus will deny her before His Father in Heaven”. That was a tipping point for many Christian voters I’m sure. Thank you Lord for hearing the collective prayers of your people!  

I’m so thankful that the nightmare of the Biden/Harris administration is over & that we have Donald Trump for another term in office. And it looks like we will gain the House and Senate as well. That's huge for our President so that he can get down to business and do what needs to be done in our country. I can't wait for him to turn the nation around and give us a better future. He has a lot of work ahead of him but I know that he's up for it.
Congratulations President Trump!!!  

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

God's Beauty...


I've been sitting in my chair at my desk today thinking and praying for our nation. While doing that I got to look out the window by my desk at such a beautiful sky with no chem trails (that's been a rarity these days). I loved seeing the white puffy natural clouds. They are so beautiful. No man made them. That is all God's beauty.
God's beauty comes in so many forms. Sometimes it's the scenic views that take our breath away and other times it's in those deep moments of friendship that we see God's beauty. Other times still it's a spouse, parent or other family member that show us God's beauty.
God's beauty in our lives shows us just how much He cares for us. It gives us a glimpse of, or even just a taste of, a tiny (mustard seed) piece of heaven here on earth. I can't wait until the day when we get to take in all of God's beauty in heaven. Until then I will cherish God's beauty in my life in all shapes and forms and I hope and pray that you do too.

Monday, November 4, 2024

The Stupidity of it All...

When I saw this on social media I just rolled my eyes, shook my head and did a face palm.  I mean how stupid does this country have to be to not have a clue.  They just don't get it.  This meme said it all pretty bluntly I might add.  

I mean, if ads of any kind will influence folks to buy, go or do things that they normally wouldn't then why should the narrative in our schools be any different, right?  Wrong!  Why are we allowing this influence in our kids lives?  It's like folks have become numb to all that's been happening in recent years and that is not a good place to be as a nation.  The lives of our children depend on us making decisions that will give them hope and a good future.  What we are giving them is so much confusion that it's making them mentally ill.  So many of our youth are in counseling not because of anything but the choices the adults in their lives are making.  It's such a sad and ugly situation that is being thrust upon them.  We do have a choice though.  We don't have to keep letting the narrative be what it has been.  We can change it.  We have to stand up and be the voice - the strong courageous voice - that our kids need in this hour.

I will always be thankful that my husband and I have raised our son the way we have because he is not going to be a burden on society.  He's not growing up confused about how he should identify himself.  I pray for him every day to be the change that people need in our nation and that other parents have raised their kids like we have ours and together they can bring about positive change in our nation because this negative stuff has gone on long enough and too many of our young people are suffering because of it and it needs to stop!!!  And it needs to stop now!!!

Pray! Pray! Pray!  

Prayer and Christians stepping up to lead and guide these young people will be the only thing that will bring change to the narrative and put evil where it needs to be,  UNDER OUR FEET!!!

My Guys...

I love my guys.  Some days are challenging but most are not.  We all have our moments but we get over them too.  We have up days and down days.  Bottom line is that there is no one that I'd rather do life with than these two.  They are my heart.  They are God's gift to me.  No matter what happens in our lives we know that we love one another and that love is the most important thing over everything else.  

(taken outside of Angus Barn 10/2024) 

(taken inside of Angus Barn 10/2024) 

The Church Must...


1 Timothy 2:1&2 - "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.  Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity."

All means All!  I pray for all who are in authority that they be upright people.  That they live lives that are consecrated to God!  That we will see that their lives are marked by God and that everything they do or say is with excellence and dignity.  That their actions back up their relationship with God.  That He comes first in their lives.  And I pray for the right people to come along in their lives to show them how to walk with God and to disciple them in the Word of God so that they can grow stronger in God everyday.  

If we don't pray it won't happen.  If we don't vote God's Word on Election Day this Tuesday how can we expect anything to change for the better.  When Christians don't vote they are casting their vote for the other side that doesn't line up with the Bible.  There's no way to slice and dice it to where it would bring a result for the Bibles benefit except for Christians getting out and voting in droves.  We have to show up big time if you don't want four more years, or worse, of what we've just had.  I pray all Christians vote the Bible this election and that they show up in a big way and vote.  

I voted early.  I went early one morning and there was no one there voting except my husband and myself.  I really hope that isn't going to be indicative of how this election will go because if it is the result will not be good.  Pray Christians.  Pray like you've never prayed before for this election and for the candidate that most closely keeps with the Bible to win this election.    

Friday, November 1, 2024

Your Truest Friends...


These words are so true.  I have just a few friends that fit the bill for being my truest friends.  I know that I can always count on them in the good and hard times.  They will always be there for me and I will always be there for them.  They are friends that I have chosen to do life with because their mindsets are the same as mine.  We all seek God 1st in all that we do in this life so I know that I count on them to pray for me and they can count on me to pray for them and be there when it really matters. 

Seeking out friends who fit this bill is not easy because you find some that you think fit the bill then the first hard time that comes along they will in fact bail on you.  It's disheartening and oftentimes makes you want to shut yourself off from seeking friends who fit this bill because the hurt and pain caused by trying to find people who are your truest friends is a pain like no other.  It sometimes hits you sideways like another car t-boning you.  You don't see it coming and it tears you apart but you've got to keep looking and searching for those who will do life with you throughout your life that will be your truest friends.  We need people like that in our lives.  God wants us to have people like that in our lives.  He wants us to be able to count on and lean on one another while also continuing to seek Him in the midst of all that happens in life.  

Don't shut down or shut yourself off from the world because you've been hurt to the depth of your soul.  When life knocks you down get back up again and again and again and let God bring the right people into your life that will walk through all of life with you.  Allow Him to comfort you when disappointment happens because people bailed on you who you thought would stay.  Allow Him to wipe the tears of that disappointment away from your eyes and go on continuing to seek for those who He wants to fill your life and walk through life with you.  He will never disappoint you like so many others will.  

Keep moving forward with God and with those of like minds that are your truest friends.  God will add people into your life at just the right time.  God's timing is perfect! 

Jesus & Coffee...


There's no better way to start your day than with reading your Bible, prayer and coffee.  Sometimes I end it that way too.  It gets my day started off on the right foot when I can start it off with reading my Bible and prayer so that I can tackle whatever comes my way throughout the day.  It's the quietest time of the day in my home too.  It gives me time to be able to reflect and process what the Lord is showing me through His Word for the day as well.  No matter how you slice and dice it time with Jesus is time well spent.  He will never leave us or forsake us.  His knows our beginning and our end.  He knows every hair on our head.  He protects, leads and guides us in ways that we would have never been able to fathom even if we tried.  My life is what it is today because of God's hand on my life and I never want to forsake having time spent with Him even if it sometimes has to happen later in the day depending on what we have on our schedule.  Nonetheless, making time for Jesus in my day makes my day complete.  

Signed Up for NAOS1 2025....

Tim is signed up for the NAOS1 Weightlifting Meet in February/March that's happening in Columbus, Ohio😊. He is so excited to be attending this Meet. He missed being able to go last year because they cap this event. It is one of the biggest Meets of the year. It runs along side The Arnold which will all be happening in the same building. Tim will get to attend that event as well to watch the power lifting side of things. He does Olympic Weightlifting which is very different from power lifting. This will be a really fun trip for us all.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Having a spouse...

No truer words have ever been said than these.  Scot is my constant, outside my walk with God.  He's a place that I can run to and be safe.  I'm so thankful to walk through life with him by my side.  He is one of God's most wonderful blessings to me and I'm so grateful to God for him.  He is my best friend.  I love spending every moment that we can together.  I think back to life before I knew him and I honestly can't remember what that was like.  It's like I've forgotten it like our Heavenly Father forgets our sins as far is the east is from the west and beyond.  I've put it so far behind me because with Scot I'm home.  I don't miss anything from my life before he entered into my life.  God graced me with the ability to put that away to remember no more because in scripture we are told that the two shall become one and that is exactly what we have done in our marriage and that is so very precious to me.  Scot has a strength that I admire immensely.  Everything about him just drips strength and you wouldn't know it to look at him either.  God is the central focus of his life and our lives together.  When making important decisions about life together we are so in tuned to one another.  I know that came directly from God above.  We are so different in personality but can make those important decisions because of how much God leads/guides/directs our lives.  God gives us such a depth of discernment so that we make the right calls on hard decisions.  Right calls that reflect on God's hand in and over our lives.  Never in my life could I have imagined a better husband to go through life with than the one that God blessed me with.  Outside of God, he is my everything!  So thankful, humbled and blessed beyond measure.  On November 11th we will celebrate our 18th anniversary officially even though we have already celebrated early with my mom and our son when we went to Angus Barn this past weekend.   God is good!  Life is good!  And no matter what may come or happen I will always say, "God is good! Life is good!" because He's the one who gave us this life!  Amen and Amen!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

We Did Our Civic Duty...

Today we went and cast our votes.  Praying for all Christians to vote the Bible and not just a party affiliation.  I'm so over the party affiliation crap.  Too many vote a certain way because that's how their families have always voted.  Or they will vote for a woman just because they want to be a part of history that votes in the first woman president.  Those are crappy ways to choose who you will vote for.  Just vote the Bible and you will never go wrong as a follower of Christ.  Just saying.  

Weightlifting Article...

This is an article that was done on Olivia Reeves, our Gold Medal Olympian.  You may have to click on them to read them.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Celebration Dinner Last Night...

Last night we took mom to Angus Barn for dinner to do a belated birthday celebration for her, a celebration for Tim's wins at the Carolinas WSO Championships, a celebration for our 18th Anniversary early and a celebration for my birthday early.  It was one big culminated celebration.  They have already decorated for Christmas and boy do they deck out the place.  It was so beautiful.  My mom and I absolutely loved it.  It's our favorite time of the year.  Here are some pictures we took:

My guys clean up so good!